- Be subordinated to and serve the overall interests of the country 服從全局、服務全局
- The CPPCC is encouraged to improve itself and play its important role in coordinating relations, pooling strengths, making proposals and serving the overall interests of the country. 加強政協自身建設,發揮協調關係、匯聚力量、建言獻策、服務大局的重要作用。
- This is in the overall interest of the country. 這是大局。
- We should take a firm hold of the overall interests of China-U.S. 我們應該牢牢把握中美關係的大局
- The overall interests of Singapore can be likened to a big cake. 我們可以把新加坡的整體利益比作一塊大餅。
- Focusing on the central task and serving the overall interests, broaden the fields of our endeavor, intensify our functions 圍繞中心,服務大局,拓寬領域,強化功能
- In the final analysis,our primary concern must be for the overall interest. 歸根到底要顧全大局。
- In the final analysis, our primary concern must be for the overall interest. 歸根到底要顧全大局。
- The armed forces shall voluntarily serve the overall work of the Party and the country, and contribute to economic development and social stability, he added. (軍隊要自覺服從服務於黨和國家工作大局,積極為促進經濟發展、維護社會穩定貢獻力量。)
- We believe our people are mindful of the overall interests of the country and have a good sense of discipline. 我們相信,我們的人民是顧大局、識大體、守紀律的。
- I think it my duty to serve the people. 我認為為人民服務是我的責任。
- I think we ought to be more open-minded and consider the overall interests and the future of our cause. 我看還是要開明一點,要從大局著眼,要從我們事業的前途著眼。
- He prefers to go where he can serve the people. 他寧願到能為人民服務的地方去。
- But this doesn't mean the policy can be implemented in ways detrimental to the overall interests of stability and unity. 但是,這不是說百花齊放、百家爭鳴可以不利於安定團結的大局。
- "We should, by focusing on the central task and serving the overall interests, Broaden the fields of our endeavor, intensify our functions and expand the coverage of the Party's work ." 要堅持圍繞中心、服務大局;拓寬領域、強化功能;擴大黨的工作的覆蓋面.
- Being soft on criminals only endangers the interests of the vast majority of the people and the overall interests of our modernization drive. 對違法犯罪分子手軟,只能危害大多數人民的利益,危害現代化建設的大局。
- The waitress goes out of her way to serve the guests. 女招待特別努力地為客人服務。
- We should bear the overall interest of the country in mind and solve these problems without delay. 要從大局出發,解決問題不能拖。
- As a party member one must serve the people wholeheartedly. 作為一個黨員,應該全心全意為人民服務。
- The subordination of partial and local interests to the overall interest is the core of the overall view. 局部利益服從全局利益是大局觀的核心;因時因地、隨機應變為大局觀的靈魂;