- The large box in his room can serve as a desk too. 他房間里的那隻大箱子也可以當桌子用。
- These philosophical views serve as a guide in life. 這些哲學觀點可以作為處世指南。
- Crude and simple, this place had to serve as the meeting hall. 這地方雖然簡陋,卻是我們的會議廳。
- A life-insurance policy may serve as security for a loan. 人壽保險可作貸款的抵押。
- We found that birch bark could serve as paper. 我們發現樺樹皮可以作紙用。
- She serve as a lie teacher at the convent school. 她在修道院的學校當非神職的教師。
- The memorandum is generally acceptable and may serve as a basis for further discussions. 我方原則上接受此備忘錄,並把它作為進一步討論的基點。
- Let this be an example (ie May this punishment serve as a warning) to you. 你要以此為鑒戒。
- They drafted him to serve as their delegate. 他們選派他作他們的代表。
- We enlisted them to serve as ushers at the meeting. 我們徵集他們當會議招待員。
- To serve as a prelude or an introduction. 作為序幕或開端
- In a way, I'm glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as warning to you. 在某種意義上來說,你犯那個錯誤我倒很高興,因為那個錯誤會對你起警告作用。
- To serve as an anchor for(a team or competition). 壓陣隊員(隊或比賽中)充當壓陣的運動員
- Pragmatistic culture is in conformity with era taking surviving or saving the nation from extinction as theme. 實用主義文化是和以生存或救亡為主題的時代相適應的。
- Trace element mixes serve as insurances. 微量元素只是作為一種保障措施。
- She serves as a lay teacher at the convent school. 她在修道院的學校當非神職的教師。
- They serve as focused references on those subjects. 它們對有關專題提供一些有針對性的參考意見。
- The Internet can serve as a big shopping mall. 互聯網可起到購物中心的作用。
- This will serve as certification. 以此為憑。
- A part of a meal served as a unit at one time. 一道菜同時作為一個單元一餐中的一部分