- personnel who serve a prison sentence 服刑人員
- A person held in custody, captivity, or a condition of forcible restraint, especially while on trial or serving a prison sentence. 犯人,囚犯被拘留、逮捕或拘禁的人,尤指在審訊或服刑期間
- He served a three-year prison sentence. 他在監獄中服了3年刑。
- personnel serving a prison sentence 服刑人員
- 」 The child's parents, ardent pacifists, are convicted and serve a prison sentence. 孩子的父母作為正直的人,也犯罪並因此入獄。
- A prisoner serving a life sentence. 無期徒刑犯服無期徒刑的犯人
- A prison sentence should match the severity of the crime. 刑期長短要和罪行輕重一致。
- Rational Thoughts on Marrying Behavior of the Personnel Serving a Prison Sentence 應理性看待服刑人員的結婚行為
- a person held in custody,captivity,or a condition of forcible restraint,especially while on trial or serving a prison sentence 犯人,囚犯,被拘留、逮捕或拘禁的人,尤指在審訊或服刑期間
- There were extenuating circumstances and the defendant did not receive a prison sentence. 因有可減輕罪行的情節被告未被判刑。
- He escaped a prison sentence by reason of unsound mind at the time the crime was committed. 他以犯罪時精神不正常為由逃過了監禁刑罰。
- Requiring someone with an MBA to serve a prison term at a dehumanising maximum-security penitentiary would be a real deterrent. 讓一個有MBA學位的人在一所沒有人性、警戒力度最大的監獄里服刑,將是一種真正的威懾。
- Prolific Italian TV prankster and condom advocate Gabriele Paolini faces a prison sentence unless he behaves. 經常在義大利電視上攪局的保險套推廣人包利尼可能面臨牢獄之災,除非他日後謹言慎行。
- The magistrate said a prison sentence was needed to discourage the men from re-offending. 裁判法院法官判決時表示,判刑是要勸阻被告不要再犯。
- His financial adviser was convicted four years ago of fraud in the case and served a two-year prison sentence before being paroled last month. 四年前,他的財政顧問在本案中被判有欺詐罪,被判監禁兩年,上個月被釋放。
- An ex-convict; a person who has served a prison term. 有前科的罪犯;曾坐過牢的人。
- In the end he was driven to confess and face a prison sentence, feeling that to clear his conscience would be cheap at the price. 最終他被迫供認不諱, 並面臨判刑, 感到他要無愧於心, 其代價再昂貴也是值得的。
- Abramoff is to report to federal prison to begin serving a nearly six-year prison sentence for a fraudulent deal to buy a fleet of casino shi in Florida. 艾布拉姆將開始在聯邦監獄里度過他六年的刑期,罪名是在弗羅里達購買一支賭博船隊的交易中犯下了欺詐罪。
- For fathers it is more of a prison sentence, because it restricts a male's ability to inseminate lots of females at relatively low cost. 而對父性們來講,這無疑於一種監禁,因為他們本可以不遺餘力地讓更多的雌性受精而現在卻限制了他們的這種能力。
- The building was like a prison in appearance. 這座建築的外觀像監獄。