- Chon, a senior medical students often dreamed in the beginning there was one side of the margin of a woman after doctors began to seek psychological help. 一個大四醫學院學生在開始常夢見曾有過一面之緣的女人後開始尋求心理醫師協助。
- General medical trainees in internal medicine, junior hospital doctors and senior medical students as well as family doctors will find this Handbook to be an invaluable source of information. 在內科學方面的一般的醫學學員, 年少的醫院醫生和高級醫學院學生以及家庭醫生將發現這本手冊是一個無價的訊息源。
- senior medical student 高年級醫學生
- Effects of final term examination on the mental health states of senior medical students 考試應激對高年級醫學生心理衛生的影響
- A nonresident doctor or medical student. 不住宿的醫生或醫學學生。
- Study of asking senior medical students questions before morning clinical rounds in pediatric clinical teaching 兒科臨床實習中晨間提問教學法
- You forget that I was a medical student once upon a time. 你忘了我以前是個醫科學生啦。
- The medical student is dedicated to finding a cure for AIDS. 這個醫藥學生全心投入,為了找到一種治癒愛滋病的藥物。
- The medical student studies the skeleton of the human body. 醫學專業的學生研究人體的屍骸。
- Made of senior medical sterile soft glue, designed according to Asian people mouth shape. 口塞部分為高級醫用無毒材料精而成,大小特別適合亞洲人的口型。
- When she was 18 she had loved a young medical student with all her heart. 她十八歲的時候,真心實意愛過一個年輕的醫學院學生。
- When I was a medical student, I had never experienced a major bereavement. 當我在攻讀醫科時,我從未經歷過重大的喪親之痛。
- Medical students are trained to be doctors. 醫科學生受訓當醫生。
- The pulmonary team includes the attending physician, senior pulmonary fellow, junior resident, and 3 medical students. 先由昨天受治患者並完成病歷的住院醫生報告病情。
- A medical student or intern. 醫學生,實習醫生
- The company relies on Shanghai Huasitai medical advice Co.,Ltd.&Lan Heng Limited information systems.It has a huge medical advisory system and a large number of senior medical experts. 公司依託上海華斯泰醫學諮詢有限公司及上海蘭恆信息系統有限公司,擁有龐大的醫學諮詢系統及眾多的資深醫學專家。
- "Bonded, unfunded medical student places is immoral, unjust and I think unconstitutional ," he said. 他說:「我想這是不合法律的。(繳費)抵押,沒有研究經費,對醫科學生來說是『不道德』的,也是不正常的。
- Research on Medical Moral Education Cognition of Medical Students. 醫學大學生對醫德認知的調查研究。
- They took in 161 and 155 medical students, respectively, in 2001. 二零零一年,兩所大學分別錄取醫科學生161名及155名。
- Medical students go there for clinical practice before graduation. 學醫的學生在畢業前都要到那裡去進行臨床實習。