- Agnes Hsia is a senior consultant of Husonbay. 夏雪明女士現任恆信和益高級管理顧問。
- The courses at Churchman Business School are designed by faculty members and senior consultants who have extensive work experience in the related industries. 課程由在相關行業擁有豐富工作經驗的教授和高級顧問設計。
- John Viega is a senior research associate, Software Security Group co-founder, and senior consultant at Cigital. 是一個高級副研究員,Software Security Group的創始人之一,並擔任。
- Sara Yang is a senior consultant at Watson Wyatt Beijing Office. 楊小闖女士現任惠悅顧問公司的人力資本高級顧問。
- Mr. Lu is a senior consultant of Heal-All Consulting Inc. 陸先生現為慧澳企業管理諮詢有限公司諮詢顧問。
- Ge Xing is senior consultant of AMT Consulting, Fashion Line. 本文作者是AMT諮詢服裝業務線高級顧問。
- Contact with VISA senior consultants, introduce your own education background and your purpose, get first step advising, then you could decide if you need to be interviewed with the experts. 與VISA資深諮詢專家聯繫,介紹個人的大致背景情況,得到初步諮詢意見,並決定是否與專家做進一步的面談。
- The Language Test Center (Wuhan) of Swansea University is located in Wuhan University of Technology. We intend to recruit 5 assistant consultants and 2 senior consultants for the business development. 斯旺西大學語言考試中心(武漢)坐落於武漢理工大學,因業務發展需要,現誠聘諮詢助理5名,高級諮詢師2名.
- COWI is a Danish based consulting group with a strong international focus. COWI是一家丹麥的諮詢公司,十分關注於國際市場。
- Therefore, some novice playing time more than a career to the next senior consult the profession-related issues, not playing without the occupational characteristics of occupational out. 所以一些新手在玩某個職業的時候多向前輩請教下該職業的相關問題,不要玩個毫無本職業特色的職業出來。
- According to Boston Consulting Group, offshore private-banking assets total almost$6 trillion. 根據波士頓諮詢公司的報告,目前全球離岸私人銀行的資金總額約為6萬億美元。
- The Consultative Group would normally operate through correspondence and by use of an electronic forum. 協商小組的業務一般通過通信和使用電子論壇進行。
- The matter would be an appropriate one for consideration by the Consultative Group. 該事項由協商小組審議為宜。
- Is a Senior Consulting IT Specialist with IBM Software Services for WebSphere focusing on Web services. 是IBM Software Services for WebSphere中重點研究Web服務的高級IT諮詢專家。
- Formerly, Williams was director of services with International Marketing Associates, a consulting group in New York. 威廉姆斯早先是國際營銷協會駐紐約諮詢組服務部主任。
- David Mao who is also the Senior Consultant of Davis Wright Tremaine made a full day speech with Mr. 茅律師以其豐富的經驗,具體闡述了外國公司如何在中國投資和貿易的法律事務。
- W.F.A.R.Verbakel. , F.Stecher-Rasmussen. ,: Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group, NRG, ECN P.O. 首頁----期刊主要分類----期刊細介紹----期刊題錄與文摘----期刊詳細文摘內容
- Itasca Consulting Group Inc. Online Manual for Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in 3 Dimensions, Version 2.1[M]. 石根華.;數值流行方法與非連續變形分析研究[M]
- The author did a research on different projects through the Boston Consulting Group Matrix(BCG). 採用波士頓矩陣(BCG)對公司所屬不同項目進行了分析。
- Chen Rongqi is senior consultant of delegation of China Dyestuff Technical Experts and Shanghai Dope Dyestuff Trade Association. 本文作者是中國染料工業專家顧問團和上海塗料染料行業協會高級顧問。