- Methods The clinical data and surgical results of 63 cases of senile and presenile vesicular disorders were analyzed retrospectively. 方法回顧性分析63例老齡及老齡前期肺囊皰性疾病患者的臨床資料及手術結果。
- Law of changes of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in senile and presenile patients with essential hypertension 老年與老年前期高血壓病患者動態血壓變化規律研究
- The using of high dosage should be carefull in the senile and weak paitents. 藥物劑量偏大,老年及體質弱的肺結核病人慎用。
- Sigh! Getting senile and getting late. :( Sorry! Touched the keyboard too fast. 唉!年紀愈大動作又愈慢.;:(抱歉!鍵盤按的太快了
- This article reviews the progress on the relationship between chronic hypoxia with cerebral hypoperfusion and presenile dementia mechanism. 本文就慢性缺氧/大腦低灌注與早老性痴獃的發病機制相關研究的進展作一綜述。
- What is senile and gawkish inchoate symptom excuse me? Have precautionary method? 請問老年痴獃的早期癥狀是什麼?有沒有預防的方法?
- Insomnia has become a problem which cannot be ignored among the senile and it also has great influence on the senile. 失眠已經成為老年人中不能忽視的問題,並且極大程度上影響了他們的生活質量。
- Conclusion: The using of high dosage should be carefull in the senile and weak paitents. 結論:藥物劑量偏大,老年及體質弱的肺結核病人慎用。
- The Creator arranges me to toil in my whole life. With the time past, the Creator makes me senile and arranges me to die and repose forever. 造物者給我這個形象要我一生勞勞碌碌。歲月令我逐漸衰老,安排我死以得安息。
- Objective:To investigate the clinical therapic procedure and therapic methods of intractable epistaxis in senile and pre-senile patients. 目的:探討老年前期和老年期頑固性鼻出血的臨床治療步驟和方法。
- As the burden of management fell more heavily on her, she had less time for Duna and the bear grew senile and indecent in his habits. 她由於管理的擔子更重了,所以沒有那麼多時間照顧杜納,結果這熊越老越不像話了。
- Conclusions: Both Zuoguiyin and Yishenbao could promote RNA transcription activity in isolated nuclei and protein synthesis activity in free-cell extracts of Kidney-Asthenia and presenile mice. 結論:補腎陰與補腎陽方劑均可提高老年前期腎虛小鼠的RNA轉錄活性及蛋白質合成活性。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- Conclusion The benign diseases were the first main cause.The patients of senile and long postmenopause should prevent the malignant tumor. 結論絕經后陰道出血的主要原因是良性疾病,對年齡大、絕經時間長的絕經后陰道出血患者,要警惕其惡性腫瘤的發生。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 這是嚴酷的現實,你必須面對它。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. 她不得不為付假期的費用而苦苦攢錢。
- I'll try and rustle you up something to eat. 我設法給你弄點吃的。
- He sprang up and rushed to the door. 他跳起身,跑到門口。
- Bell ringing, as a signal of non language communication, was especially prepared for the senile and infirm patients, with a satisfaction rate of 97.37%. 而搖鈴主要作為年老體弱患者需要非語言交流的信號 ;滿意率為 97.;37%25。