- Can you send up one of your housekeepers to make bed? 請你派個女服務員來整理床鋪好嗎?
- A man camp up one evening, humping his swag. 傍晚一個男子走過來,背上背著行李包。
- Bob lit up one of his best Havana. 鮑勃點燃了一隻他最好的哈瓦那煙。
- send up one's card 遞名片
- I'm sure your watch will turn up one of these days. 我擔保你的手錶准有一天能找到。
- Any increase in production costs is bound to send up prices. 生產成本的增加必定使價格上漲。
- The hot pavement sent up shimmers. 曬熱的道路浮起熱氣晃動的景象。
- As soon as you get to the assembly point send up a red flare. 你們一到達集合地點馬上發射一顆紅色的信號彈。
- Please line up one after another. 請按順序排隊。
- He was sent up the river for a bank robbery. 他因搶劫銀行而被捕入獄。
- All those years later I stood with Mr.Rader』s card in my hand. 在那之後的漫長歲月里,雷德先生的名片一直伴隨著我。
- The men in the hole sent up for more equipment. 在洞穴中的人們向上面要求再給他們一些設備。
- Did you know that Peter was sent up for ten years? 你知道彼得被判處10年徒刑嗎?
- Comrade Lin has been away for three weeks, but he'll land up one of these days. 林同志離開已經三個星期了,但他日內就會來到。
- Space rockets are being sent up all the time. 現在隨時都有火箭發射。
- Don't jumble up one question and another. 不要混淆兩個問題。
- What am I going to do? I have not finished writing my New Year 's card. 怎麼辦呢,我還沒寫完賀年片
- When are they going to send up the rocket? 他們準備什麼時候發射火箭?
- I'll send up your breakfast in a while. 我一會兒派人把你的早飯送來。
- If you change the transfered bank to AEON's card, you can get $20 coupon ! 請問那張卡可以免除轉卡之八達通自動增值服務的%2420費用?