- The state of being under guard; custody. 被監護處於監護之下的狀態; 看守
- He was sent under by the tennis star. 他被這名網球明星擊敗了。
- The criminal has been sent to the county seat under guard. 這個罪犯已經解到縣裡去了。
- The prisoner has been sent to the county seat under guard. 犯人已解到縣裡了。
- Sequestration--a judge can order that the jurors be isolated under guard. 和封閉陪審團。
- Am I the sea, or the monster of the deep, that you put me under guard? 我對神說,我豈是洋海,豈是大魚,你竟防守我呢?
- In response to your request,we are pleased to send under separate cover our new catalogue of tree,roses and shrub. 根據貴公司要求,現附函另寄上我方的樹木、玫瑰以及灌木的新目錄冊。
- Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: "The one I kiss is the man; arrest him and lead him away under guard. 賣耶穌的人曾給他們一個暗號,說:「我與誰親嘴,誰就是他。你們把他拿住,牢牢靠靠的帶去。
- Many small firms were sent under in the violent competition. 在激烈的競爭中許多小公司被擊敗了。
- Thought to be the world\'s most expensive Easter egg, it is being kept under guard at its Piccadilly store. 鑽石可能是女孩子的最愛,而倫敦的一位巧克力製作商則發現,如果能將鑽石與巧克力結合起來,那將是每個女人的夢想。
- Thought to be the world's most expensive Easter egg, it is being kept under guard at its Piccadilly store. 此枚彩蛋被認為是目前世界上最昂貴的復活節彩蛋,它在倫敦皮卡迪利大街(倫敦的繁華大街之一)的專賣店受到嚴密的保護。
- She has so many worries; she's sure to be sent under. 她的顧慮太多,當然會失敗。
- He said, "I will hear your case when your accusers get here." Then he ordered that Paul be kept under guard in Herod's palace. 就說:「等告你的人來到,我要細聽你的事」;便吩咐人把他看守在希律的衙門裡。
- He ordered the centurion to keep Paul under guard but to give him some freedom and permit his friends to take care of his needs. 於是吩咐百夫長看守保羅並且寬待他,也不攔阻他的親友來供給他。
- He was kept under guard and bound with chains and shackles, but he would break the bonds and be driven by the demon into the desert. 他常被人看守,又被鐵鏈和腳鐐捆鎖,他竟把鎖鏈掙斷,被鬼趕到曠野去。
- For it had seized him many times;and he was bound with chains and shackles and kept under guard, and yet he would break his bonds and be driven by the demon into the desert. 原來這鬼屢次抓住他,他常被人看守,又被鐵鏈和腳鐐捆鎖,他竟把鎖鏈掙斷,被鬼趕到曠野去。
- The flowers send forth fragrance. 這些花散發出香味。
- Watching the verdicts by video link under guard from a court in Milan, Ahmed, who prosecutors claimed had bragged of being the brains behind the attacks, reportedly burst into tears and prayed. 阿哈邁德的檢察官聲稱當阿哈邁德在警衛看守下,從電視上得知陪審團將他排除為爆炸案的幕後主使后,他當即熱淚盈眶並開始祈禱。
- They regarded themselves as God's agents, sent under his wonder-working providence to make homes for his chosen. 他們把自己當作上帝的使者,奉「創造奇迹的神」之命,替上帝的子民安置家園。
- Often, a sales letter will be sent under the guise of an introduction to your firm, or to new or revamped products. 銷售信函常以公司介紹、新產品介紹或革新產品介紹的形式發出。