- I think you belongs in the loony bin. 我覺得你這個人應該進瘋人院。
- Don't ask her! Do you want to send your mum to the loony Bin? 別再問了!你想把你媽媽逼瘋嗎?
- Don't ask her! Do you want to send your mum to the loony bin. 別再問了!你想把你媽媽逼瘋么?
- In a couple of years, you might find me in the loony bin! 也許幾年後,你就會發現我進了瘋人院。
- After only a week of observation, my mother has been released from the loony bin. 只觀察了一星期 我媽就被瘋人院放了出來
- Give somebody the benefit of the doubt. 規例是很相似的。
- You'd better send somebody over there to sort the situation out. 你最好派個人到那兒去把情況弄清。
- You'd bet ter send somebody over there to sort the situation out. 你最好派個人去那兒把情況弄清。
- Instead of send somebody on your behalf,you have better go and speak in person. 你最好當面去說,而不要派某人代表你。
- To give somebody the low-down on. 把。的真相告訴某人;把。的內幕告訴某人。
- Send somebody out to look for them, Mr. Mo. When they come, tell them to wait for me in your office. 莫先生,請你派人去找她們來,就在賬房間里等我!
- Housekeeping, the TV in my room is not working. Could you send somebody over to fix it? 客房部,我房間的電視機壞了,可否派人過來修理?
- "They liked it so much, they sent somebody here," said Johnson, 17. 17歲的約翰遜後來描述說:"他們(公司)對此很感興趣,於是派了一個人過來。
- Instead of send somebody on your behalf, you have better go and speak in person. 你最好當面去說,而不要派某人代表你。
- Mr Newsom is not the loony liberal of conservative tirades. 紐森並不是保守派口中的自由派瘋子。
- B: I have a problem. I've been trying to connect my laptop to the internet but it won't work. Could you please send somebody up to help me? 乙:我有問題,我嘗試把我的手提電腦接駁上網但不成功,你可以叫人上來幫一幫我嗎?
- The baker empty several bags of flour into a bin. 麵包師把幾袋麵粉倒入貯藏箱里。
- The flowers send forth fragrance. 這些花散發出香味。
- Again, don't misunderstand - you don't need to be checked in at the nearest looney bin. 再重複一次:不要誤解,有這樣的癥狀是不用被關在瘋人院的。
- I always come home frightfully worried and wretched if I have sent somebody to prison or to a detention centre. 如果我把某人送到監獄或拘留中心,我回家時就總會感到非常焦慮和不安。