- send one's love to someone 向(某人)問候
- The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her if she is pretty and to someone else if she is plain. 對待女性的唯一方法是:假使她長得漂后就追,若是長得不怎麼樣就追別的。
- Can you send one of your minions to collect this file? 你能不能派個助手來取這份檔案?
- Pray for God s love to heal Han-Uighur hatred, as typified in the reprisals after a Han police chief and 3 Uighurs died in a shootout west of Korla in Aug. 2001. 願上帝的愛撫平漢人和維吾爾人間的讎恨。兩族間衝突不斷。其中一次事件於2001年8月發生在庫爾勒西部,一位公安局長和三位維吾爾人死於槍戰。
- Do bring your wife round one evening; we'd love to meet her. 哪天晚上把你妻子帶來,我們都想見見她。
- Send one's (dirty) washing to the laundry. 把要洗的(臟)衣物送到洗衣店去.
- I agree with your idea.It is a very tender song which issuitable to express emotion.In my opinion, when we want to reflectour love to someone, we can sing this song forhim. 這是一首非常適合表達感情的歌曲。我認為,當我們想要表白時,可以唱這首歌。
- "The connections between you and All That Is can never be severed, and Its awareness is so delicate and focused that its attention is indeed directed with a prime creator"s love to each consciousness. 「你與一切全有之間的聯繫永遠也不能被切斷,而它的知曉是如此之細微和專註以致其注意力確實是導向元初創造者對每個意識的關愛。」
- CYNTHIA: Good. Send one of them to me. 好。讓他們中的一個來見我。
- You've got to send one right now. 你必須現在派人來。
- Everyone loves to talk to someone who truly listens to what they are saying. 每個人都喜歡與真心傾聽自己說話的人交談。
- One's love affaire are one's his own busiress. 一個人的愛情是他自己的事情。
- Send one's(dirty)washing to the laundry. 把要洗的(臟)衣物送到洗衣店去.
- The company offered the job to someone else. 公司把這工作給別人了。
- Children love to ball snow up in their hands. 小孩子們喜歡將雪在手裡做成球兒。
- He always tries to shift the blame to someone else. 他總是試圖將過錯推卸給別人。
- Love to dear mother and her little son. 向親愛的母親及其寶貝兒子問好。
- Oh,no! I get a new year's card from someone I do not send one to. 哦,糟了!我沒寄賀卡去,而人家給我寄來了。
- I'd love to, but I've got a exam that afternoon. 我很願意,但我那天下午有考試。
- Newspapers love to dig up scandal. 報紙就是愛把醜事兒揭出來。