- sell one's idea to sb. 向某人兜售自己的想法
- It was also Jeon PD's idea to have him wear the horn-framed glasses to change somewhat sharp looking image. 同時也是全導演的主意,要他戴上牛角制的眼鏡框,緩和了他給人尖銳的感覺,全導演更一直細心關懷和愛護他,裴勇俊把全導演當是他的老師,由那時開始就很尊重他。
- He didn't contribute one idea to the document. 他對這個文件沒有提供一個主意。
- It was Ueberroth\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s idea to run the Olympic torch across the nation, through hundreds of cities, by night and day. 讓奧運火炬傳遍美國全境是尤伯羅斯的創意。它穿越上百個城市,不分晝夜。
- To extend one's warmest welcome to sb. 表示誠摯的歡迎。
- Do you think it would be an idea to sell the car? 你覺得賣掉這輛車行嗎?
- To have one's hand extended to sb. 向某人伸出手。
- It's my idea to hold the party outside the house. 在戶外聚會是我的主意。
- Give the rough edge of one's tongue to sb. 痛罵某人。
- Give the edge of one's tongue to sb. 痛罵[嚴斥]某人
- Now we have to try and sell the idea to management. 現在,我們必須設法說服管理層採納這個意見。
- It sounds a pretty loopy idea to me. 那個主意我覺得有點異想天開。
- These notions are nowadays the basis for social darwinism, which is the utilization of Darwin』s ideas to justify predatory competition between men. 這些概念目前是社會達爾文學說的基礎,所謂的社會達爾文主義是利用達爾文的思想鼓吹人和人之間掠奪性的競爭。
- I will broach your idea to the committee. 我要把你的想法提交委員會考慮。
- An erratic mind jump from one idea to another. 心意不定的人反覆無常。
- HTF Institute (production, supply, sell one). 四、導熱油研究所(產、供、銷一體)。
- Et may be not a bad idea to rent a camera. 租一架照相機倒也不壞。
- It s not a good idea to be necking in public. 在公共場所親熱不是好主意。
- Offer up praise and adoration to sb. 頌揚並崇拜某人。
- He went to town on purpose to sell one of his paintings. 他為了賣自己的一幅畫而特意進城。