- The mouse is a small, handheld object that is pushed around a desktop to move the cursor on the screen or to select choices from menus displayed on the screen. 滑鼠是一個可以用手在桌面上推動的小東西,通過它可以在屏幕上移動游標或者選中菜單上的某項功能。
- The mouse is a small,handheld object that is pushed around a desktop to move the cursor on the screen or to select choices from menus displayed on the screen. 滑鼠是一個可以用手在桌面上推動的小東西,通過它可以在屏幕上移動游標或者選中菜單上的某項功能。
- The mouse is a small, handheld object thatis pushed around a desktop to move the cursor on the screen or to select choices from menus displayed on the screen. 滑鼠是一個可以用手在桌面上推動的小東西,通過它可以在屏幕上移動游標或者選中菜單上的某項功能。
- A choice that can be made from menus. 一種能夠從選項單(菜單)中所做的選擇。
- To access OBP from menu mode (MM?), type in thecommand "FM" for forth mode. BP,則輸入表示向前模式的命令「FM」。
- Users can enter information or select choices using text boxes, option buttons, drop-down lists, and check boxes. 用戶可以使用文本框、選項按鈕、下拉列表和複選框輸入信息或選擇選項。
- How did you make choice from your offers? 那你是怎樣從中進行選擇的?
- Take your choice from among those books. 從那些書中,取走你所選擇的。
- The paper aims to analyze corporation's disclosure choices from demand and supply aspect. 本文從需求與供給的角度分析了企業環境信息披露行為。
- That's because programmers tend to resolve choices from the standpoint of logic, and it carries over to their software design. 這是因為程序員傾向於從邏輯的角度解決問題,並且把這種觀點帶入到了軟體設計中。
- We agree that man and woman make real, genuine choices from the will of man every day. Augustine, Calvin as well as Arminius, Wesley all agree on this. 我們同意,人每天都使用自己的意志,作出真實的選擇。奧古斯丁,加爾文,和衛斯理都同意這一點。
- When you make choices from a place of anger, fear, sadness, or guilt, you cannot be aligned with truth because your predictions will be negatively biased by those lower states. 當你在憤怒、恐懼、悲哀或內疚的情況下做決定時,你無法與真相保持一致,因為你的預測會應因為這些低迷狀態而產生負面影響。
- When you make choices from a place of anger fear sadness or guilt you cannot be aligned with truth because your predictions will be negatively biased by those lower states. 當你在憤怒、恐驚、悲哀或內疚的情況下做決定時,你無法與真相保持一致,因為你的猜測會應因為這些低迷狀態而產生負面影響。
- He asked me to make a choice from a list of wide-ranging topics. 他讓我從範圍廣泛的話題中選擇一個。
- These watches are all the choicest from different countries. 這些手錶都是來自各國的精品。
- As you』ll recall from Chapter 23, butcons are an excellent technique whereby small icons are used to provide memorization vectors for transitioning from menus to toolbar. 我們回顧一下第23章,圖標按鈕是一種非常優秀的技術,小圖標為從菜單轉到工具欄圖標按鈕提供記憶向量。
- Cloze Exercise. Fill in the blanks with the best choice from below. 克漏字練習。填入下列最適合的選項。
- Opening Welcome screen - quick select choice to open existing dbs, new ones, recent ones, etc. 開幕歡迎屏幕-快速選取選擇打開現有的都柏林商學院,新問題,最近的例子,等等。
- Payday Loans. Loansare fit for your selective choice for boats. 如果船是你的一種載體,錢不是在你的口袋,然後船貸款均適合。
- Its convention services staff is composed of professionals who provide comprehensive services ranging from menu planning to site set up. 酒店有專業化的會議服務人員為您提供從菜單挑選以至布置主題晚會等等安排的一流服務。