- To my eye, the windows seem out of proportion. 在我看來,這些窗子似乎不成比例。
- The old man seemed out of humour. 這老頭看來有些不高興。
- He drank himself out of one job after another. 他因好喝酒而失去了一個又一個的工作。
- Crime and punishment grow out of one stem. 罪與罰本是同莖生。
- Older people sometimes seem out of touch with the modern society. 老年人有時似乎脫離現代社會。
- He pick a thorn out of one of his fingers. 他從手指上撥出一根刺。
- Ling; The sound only comes out of one ear piece. 只有一個耳塞有聲音。
- To pour(something) out of one vessel into another. 傾倒把(某物)從一個容器倒入另一個容器
- Everyone seems out of sorts today. 今天大家看起來都無精打採的。
- It is easier to get into a scrape than to get out of one. 陷入困境比脫離困境容易。
- Tim seems out of step with the times. 蒂姆看起來不合潮流。
- He crawled his way out of one hole just to find another. 這是個大項目,如果我們把他分工好,我們能很快完成它。
- Sometimes they would take fifty or sixty eggs out of one hole. 有時候,他們一窩就能弄出五六十隻烏龜蛋來。
- It's really one of those days; everything seems out of gear today. 今天真是倒霉的日子, 所有的事情似乎都出了問題。
- They seemed out of place in the harsh and everyday earth. 他們在這個殘忍而平庸的世界上似乎有點不得其所。
- My sisters seem out of spirits, and Tom is certainly not at his ease. 我的妹妹們無精打采,湯姆肯定也心神不寧。
- "Dear friends" or "Dear colleagues" seems out of place. 「親愛的朋友們」或「親愛的同事們」似乎有點不得體。
- One out of four possesses firearms of one kind or another. 每四個人當中就有一人擁有這種或那種槍支。
- It is difficult to step out of one's place in this hierarchy. 等級制度,等級森嚴的組織。
- His head soon appeared out of one of the second storey windows. 不久他從二樓的一扇窗口探出頭來。