- He was left homeless, and had to seek refuge with an old friend. 他無家可歸,只好去投奔老朋友。
- After a kidnapping attempt, Alessandro must seek refuge with vampires in Albion. 由於一次綁架他的陰謀,亞利山卓決心替阿爾比恩的吸血鬼們尋找避難所。
- Top seek refuge with sb. 求某人庇護。
- go and seek refuge with a friend of one's father's 投靠父親的一個朋友
- go and seek refuge with one's relatives and friends 投親靠友
- She sought refuge with song under burnt-out warehouses and in darkened clubs with the promise of guitar twang and a lonesome cry. 她尋求庇護下與宋被燒毀的倉庫,並在黑暗的俱樂部承諾吉他弦聲和一個寂寞的哭了起來。
- The ultimate blow that came to Magda and her family was in April of 1945 when the Nazi regime had been overrun and they had sought refuge with Hitler in one of his shelters. 最終的打擊,來瑪格達和她的家人是在1945年4月時,納粹政權已滿溢,他們尋求庇護與希特勒在他的住所。
- Go and live with relatives; seek refuge with relatives 投奔親戚,依靠親戚過日子
- go to one's relatives for help; seek refuge with relatives 投奔親戚
- Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind, 你說:我求庇於世人的主宰
- seek refuge with relatives; go to one's relatives for help 投奔親戚
- In what do they seek refuge as safe? 它們應到何處尋找安全的藏身之地呢?
- They were forced to seek refuge from the fighting. 他們被迫尋求庇護,以躲避戰爭。
- B: They ran in all directions to seek refuge. 他們跑往四面八方去找避難所。
- B:They ran in all directions to seek refuge. 他們跑往四面八方去找避難所。
- He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you may seek refuge;His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark. 他必用自己的翎毛遮蔽你.你要投靠在他的翅膀底下.他的誠實、是大小的盾牌。
- Is good to cast aside the house, and climb mountain to seek refuge to go to. 婆婆無奈,祇好撇下家,上山避難去了。
- I will leave within you a poor and meek people who seek refuge in God. 但我必在你中間留下謙遜和貧苦的百姓,他們必依賴上主的名號。
- They sought refuge in the mountain villages. 他們到山村裡尋找避難所。
- If a slave has taken refuge with you, do not hand him over to his master. 若有奴僕脫了主人的手,逃到你那裡,你不可將他交付他的主人。