- The second half of the book is more exciting than the first. 這本書的後半部比前半部更精采。
- The second half of the book is more exciting. 書的後半部份比較刺激有趣。
- We are now into the second half of the parliament. 我們現已進入了本屆議會的後半任期。
- Besa in the second half of the fifth century. 但是,這樣的作品大多數是對白衣僧團的眾多成員的道德教誨。
- The second half of the concert will follow on in twenty minutes. 音樂會下半場20分鐘後繼續。
- The second half of that proverb will hold no longer. 這句諺語的後半句不再有用了。
- The second half of the poem describes the poet's love for books. 詩的下半,則述及作者對書的熱愛。
- The second half of the game was dull by comparison with the first. 與上半場相比,比賽的下半場有些沉悶。
- They began to lose momentum in the second half of the game. 在比賽的下半場,他們的勢頭就逐漸減弱。
- We nearly came a cropper in the second half of the game. 在比賽的下半場我們差一點就輸掉了。
- By the second half of the 19th century consumerism had taken root. 到19世紀後半葉,消費主義已深入人心。
- Japan roused first, in the second half of the 19th century. 19世紀下半葉,日本第一個覺醒。
- Our team gained the upper hand in the second half of the game. 我隊下半場佔了上風。
- The team made a comeback in the second half of the match. 該隊在下半場比賽時捲土重來。
- No hurry. We're not in a big rush for the second half of the order. 不急。另一半的訂單我們不是很急。
- The team scored three runs in the second half of the ninth inning. 該隊在第九局的下半場得三分。
- The players seemed to wilt at the second half of the game. 球員在下半場的時候變的意興闌珊。
- Wholly unprepared, we embark upon the second half of life. 我們完全手足無措地踏上生命的後半征程。
- FC Bayern open the second half of the season at Borussia Dortmund. 拜仁將在下半賽季首戰對陣多特孟德。
- The visiting team scored one goal in the second half of the game. 下半場,客隊踢進了一個球。