- The game didn't heat up until the second half. 遊戲玩到後半場才熱鬧起來。
- The team recovered its lead in the second half. 該隊在下半場重新領先。
- He fouled the same player again in the second half. 他在下半場對同一運動員再次犯規。
- Our team scored three goals in the second half. 我們隊在下半場進了三個球。
- Why is a half court bullfight so popular? 為什麼半場籃球賽如此受歡迎?
- Our team gained/had the upper hand in the second half. 我們隊在下半場佔了上風。
- Paul shoots a three pointer from half court. 保羅在半場投了個三分球。
- Jones was ordered off in the second half after repeated fouls. 由於屢次犯規,瓊斯在下半場中被責令退出比賽。
- The second half of the book is more exciting than the first. 這本書的後半部比前半部更精采。
- Let's get a few people together for a half court bullfight. 讓我們打一些人一起打半場的籃球賽。
- The referee ordered Johnson off in the second half for kicking another player. 在下半場約翰遜踢人犯規,裁判罰他退場。
- The game did not hest up until the second half. 比賽到下半場時才激烈起來。
- They level the score at two-all at the second half. 下半場他們以2比2打平。
- He foule the same player again in the second half. 他在下半場對同一運動員再次犯規。
- Our forward is asleep in the second half. 我們的前鋒在下半場似乎睡著了。
- Our forwards were asleep in the second half. 我們的前鋒在下半場似乎睡著了。
- Beckham was sent off for a foul in the second half. 在下半場,貝克漢姆因犯規被罰下場。
- Fraser scored again in the second half. 弗雷澤在下半場時再次得分。
- I enjoyed the play, particularly the second half. 我很欣賞那部劇,特別是後半段。
- Owen equalized early in the second half. 歐文在下半場比賽開始時把比分扳平。