- To canal navigation, berthing pier has many vessels, if sculling oar boats, sightseeing boats, there are people aboard the ferries, visitors can ride the canal boat viewing the scenery. 為運河通航,碼頭上已停泊許多船隻,有搖櫓小船、觀光快艇,也有多人乘坐的大船,遊人可以坐這些船觀賞運河兩岸的風景。
- In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar. 划龍舟時每個人都拿著一枝槳。
- Perhaps now they can sit back and rest on their oar. 也許現在他們可以坐下來休息一下了。
- I know how to mend a fuse and I don't need you shoving your oar in! 我知道怎麽弄保險絲,用不著你管!
- His sculling rhythm is terrific. 他的划船節奏太好了。
- Number3 had rowed himself out and was slumped over his oar at the finish line. 三號選手已劃得精疲力竭,一劃到終點就已伏倒在他的槳上了。
- He pulled an oar in the winning shell. 他在獲勝的賽艇上划槳。
- What are the elements of a sculling stroke? 雙槳艇划槳動作由哪些動作成分構成?
- What is the difference between sculling and rowing? 雙槳艇與單槳艇的技術有什麼區別?
- There are many ways to practice your sculling. 有多種方法可以練習漿式划水動作。
- The blade of the oar was bitten off by a shark. 漿葉被一條鯊魚咬掉了。
- He oar himself to the other side of the big river. 他劃到大河的彼岸。
- The first is a rudder, the second an oar or sail. 之於舟楫,前為舵,後為槳,或為帆。
- Please protect your card,don't scull,or fold. 請妥善保管好您的卡片,不要划傷、摺痕。
- Sometimes an oar is used to steer a boat. 有時槳用以操縱小舟。
- The oar got entangled in the weeds. 漿給水草纏住了。
- To drag an oar at the end of a stroke. 拖槳在一次划漿的最後拖槳
- An oar skimming the surface of the pond. 劃過池塘水面的槳
- The practised oar pushed out and the boat left the tank like an arrow. 老練的槳手篙一撐,船就似箭般離了岸。
- with carbon fiber handles and rubber grips (although some sweepers still prefer wooden handles). Sculling oars are almost never wood. 賽艇裝備:碳素纖維艇殼(單人艇最小/八人艇最大);碳素纖維/橡膠槳柄(單槳長於雙槳)