- He have score a great success with his new play. 他的那出新戲獲得了極大的成功。
- He has scored a great success with his new play. 他的那出新戲獲得了極大的成功。
- He score a great success in the character of a workman. 他在扮演工人上取得了很大成功。
- He scored a great success in the character of a workman. 他在扮演工人上取得了很大成功。
- I'm sure the new agency will be a great success. 我相信,新公司定能興隆昌盛。
- All in all it had been a great success. 從各方面來說,那都是極大的成功。
- The English evening turned out a great success. 結果英語晚會開得很成功。
- His early career was not a great success. 他早期的生涯並不很成功。
- His new book was a great success. 他的新書獲得了巨大的成功。
- Since that film scores a great success, its interlude songs are also much sought after. 由於那部電影大獲成功,它的插曲也很受歡迎。
- Since that film scores a great success, its interlude songs are also much sought after. 4由於那部電影大獲成功,它的插曲也很受歡迎。
- All in all, it was a great success. 總之,是很成功的。
- The party was voted a great success. 大家一致認為聚會很成功。
- His movie of the extinction of dinosaurs was a great success. 他的關於恐龍滅絕的電影取得了巨大的成功。
- The new film has not been a great success, to put it mildly. 說得婉轉些,這部新電影不太成功。
- The launch of the new model is a great success. 新型號產品投放市場是巨大成功。
- The children all voted the trip a great success. 孩子們一致認為這次旅行是極大的成功。
- She scored a great hit as Eliza in My Fair Lady. 她在窈窕淑女一片中扮演伊萊莎的角色而獲得極大成功。
- The children all voted the trip a great success . 孩子們一致認為這次旅行是極大的成功。
- Altogether, it's a great success. 總而言之,那是大大的成功。