- Professors write scholarly books about him. 教授們寫關於他的學術性書籍。
- As Mr Kidd reveals in his subtle and scholarly book, unionism and nationalism are not opposites. 如基德教授在其尋根究底、精深博大的著作中所言,聯合主義和民族主義並非對立關係。
- To this extent, the subtitle of this impressive, scholarly book,「 The Clash of Ancient Civilizations」, seems justified; it is true that Romans and Jews crossed swords in ways that had major consequences for world history. 由此看來,這本獨具特色,還帶學術氣的作品取副標題作「遠古文明的衝突」也算有理有據。
- a (usually) large and scholarly book. (通常)大而精深的書。
- Vi Authorship of scholarly books or articles in journals with international circulation in the field. 六,是國際上流通的專業書籍或期刊文章的作者。
- Only a few scholarly books about the Nazi attempt to exterminate an entire people appeared. 只有寥寥幾本探討納粹種族滅絕罪行的學術書籍出版;
- A commercial book, not a scholarly tome. 一本以賺錢為目的而不是學術性的書籍
- A book or scholarly work on this subject. 植物學方面的書和學術著作
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的書你要借多久都隨你的便。
- You can't judge a book by its cover. 不能根據封面判斷一本書(不可以貌取人)
- A book, especially a large or scholarly one. 著作一本書,特別是厚大的或學術書籍
- A book or scholarly work on zoology. 動物學書籍或論文
- Nothing is known of the authorship of the book. 無人知道該書是何人所寫。
- The book hit the floor with a thud. 這書砰的一聲落在地板上。
- He could not fully understand these involved scholarly lectures. 這些艱深的學術講演他不能完全聽懂。
- His book was an eye opener to complacent young men. 對自滿的年輕人來說,他的這本書有啟發作用。
- She has a book full of cuttings about her film. 她有一本書貼滿了關於她的一些影片的剪報。
- He's really wallow in the praise of his new book. 他簡直沈醉於別人對他新書的讚美中。
- Spectacles gave her a scholarly look. 她戴著一副眼鏡,樣子頗像學者。
- I spend most of my time scouting around for book. 我把大部分時間都用來找書了。