- The young eagle' s compassion for the old wolf is gone, and he feels his enraged blood surge within till it flows to his sharp, iron-like claws that clench the rock so tightly that it creaks. 他對這隻老狼的憐憫心消失了。 憤怒的血液流貫全身,直通到他那像生鐵鑄成的一雙利爪上,抓得岩石也在嘎嘎地作響。
- The nurse had great compassion for her patients. 那位護士十分同情她的病人。
- I feel a measure of compassion for her. 我對她懷有一定程度的同情。
- We had compassion for the poor widow. 我們同情這個可憐的寡婦。
- The queen showed great compassion for her people. 女王對她的臣民很仁慈
- There is a great chance of success for sb. 某人大有取得成功的機會。
- The strong wind boxed the compass for several days. 連續好幾天,強風不停地從各方向刮來。
- Be instrumental in doing sth for sb. 為某人干某事出力。
- I should not have compassion for those lofty birds. 我不會憐憫這些高貴的鳥。
- In the mood for sth. Keep an eye on for sb. 為某人留意著留意,為某人照看著保持健康。
- They felt grievous compassion for her. 他們繫念著她的不幸的遭遇。
- Have a motherly affection for sb. 對某人懷有母親般的慈愛。
- She showed no compassion for her patients. 她對病人沒有任何同情心。
- Have the great love and esteem for sb. 非常愛戴某人。
- Determine to do something for sb. 決定未某人做某事。
- Here let him learn compassion for those that fail. 學會憐恤那些在重壓之下失敗的人。
- Make it [a place, things] warm for sb. 使某人處境為難;懲罰某人
- Have you no compassion for my poor nerves? 你一點也不同情我可憐的神經?
- Have a soft corner in one's heart for sb. 傾心於某人,特別喜愛某人。
- Let him teem compassion for those who fail. 並學會憐憫那些失敗跌倒的人。