- Bend a piece of iron into a horseshoe. 把一塊鐵彎曲成馬蹄形。
- He is a man of iron self-control. 他是一個有極強的自制能力的人。
- The measure of hue and saturation of a colour, undiluted with white, black or grey. 未用白色、黑色或灰色沖淡的顏色的色調和色飽和度的度量。
- A large cooking pot made of copper or often of iron. 金屬鍋用銅或鐵鑄成的大煮鍋。
- Saturation of a biotope is of special interest to the ecologist. 生境小區的飽和對生態學家是特別有意義的。
- The nature of iron differs greatly from that of wood. 鐵與木的性質有很大區別。
- The period in which man learnt to make tools of iron is called the Iron Age. 人類學會用鐵製造工具的時代稱為鐵器時代。
- The ideal S(a)is called the saturation of a with respect to S. 理想S(a)稱作a關於S的飽和化。
- Saturation of a biotope is of special interest to the ecologist . 生境小區的飽和對生態學家是特別有意義的。
- Plenty of iron ore is imported from Australia. 許多鐵礦石是由澳大利亞進口的。
- He had the use and knowledge of iron. 他們已習慣使用鐵器,並且具有這方面的知識。
- It is not easy to bend a bar of iron . 使鐵棒彎曲不容易。
- A device for measuring the oxygen saturation of arterial blood. 血氧定量儀用來測量動脈血氧和度的儀器
- The piece of iron was pounded out. 這塊鐵皮被敲平了。
- He ruled his brothers with a rod of iron. 他用強硬的手段來管他的兄弟們。
- Some athletes may need special supplements of iron. 有的運動員可能特別需要補充鐵。
- The Palace was made of iron and glass. 這座宮殿是用鐵和玻璃建成的。
- Can it induce magnetism in a piece of iron? 它能使一塊鐵產生磁性嗎?
- Comrades!What is a true bastion of iron? 同志們,真正的銅牆鐵壁是什麼?
- Stress sensitivity has relationship with water saturation of reservoirs. 低滲透氣藏岩心的孔隙度隨有效壓力的增大呈指數關係遞減。