- Whereas Hsieh Tin and San Ho regard each other as competitive suitor and fight over Chung all the time, Chung has developed a crush on the P.E. teacher (Russell Wong)! 班上也漸成七角單戀關係,因珍對多才多藝的體育老師(羅素飾)極有好感,而運河與謝天則為珍而明爭暗鬥。
- He needed ten yuan to settle up this bill. 他需要十塊錢來付清這一帳單。
- He sailed from San Francisco for Honolulu. 他從舊金山乘坐輪船去檀香山。
- How much of that forty yuan have you left? 40塊錢用得還剩多少了?
- The annual premium on my policy is 3000 yuan. 我的保險單每年的保險費是三千元。
- Line off the fen, jiao and yuan. 將分、角和元分行記下。
- These apples cost five yuan per kilogram. 這些蘋果每公斤五元。
- The cargo discharged at San Francisco. 貨輪已於舊金山港卸貨。
- Per esampio, ho veduto il Ponte del Rialto e la Piazza San Marco. 例如,我們看到了里亞托橋和聖馬可廣場。
- Pay back the5,000 Yuan I loan you by today. 我借給你的5,000元,今天還我吧。
- San Francisco is full of tourists in the summer. 夏天去舊金山旅遊的人很多。
- He bought a second hand bike good for 80 yuan. 他買了一輛值80元的二手自行車。
- She cabled her aunt in San Francisco. 她發電報給舊金山的姑媽。
- He drew out200 yuan to pay for the television set. 他為支付電視機款而取出二百元存款。
- The goods will be shipped to San Francisco by boat. 這批貨物將用船運往舊金山。
- It's2 yuan by surface mail and3.6 yuan by air. 寄平信2元,寄航空要3元6角。
- We visited the Chinese community in San Francisco. 我們訪問了舊金山的華人社區。
- I'd like to pay200 yuan into my deposit account. 我想在在我的定期存款戶頭上存200元。
- The flat lets for30 yuan a month. 這套公寓房間每月租金30元。