a flat expanse of salt left by the evaporation of a body of salt water
salt flat的用法和樣例:
This is a stretch of salt marsh, it can grow nothing. 這一邊是鹽鹼灘,種什麼都不行。
The diamondback inhabits salt marshes and coasts from New England to the Gulf of Mexico. 菱紋背水龜生活在新英格蘭至墨西哥灣一帶的近海水域和鹽鹼灘。
Much research of characteristics of soil water and salt transportunder drip irrigation, an important basis to develop salt-affected land, has been conducted at home and abroad. 滴灌條件下的水鹽運移特性是尋求開發利用鹽鹼地和次生鹽鹼化防治的基礎,國內外學者對此進行大量研究。