- In terms of different industries, the sales of the wholesale and retail trades was up 6.0 percent, and the sales of the catering industry was up 15.7 percent. 分行業看,批發零售貿易業增長6.;0%25,餐飲業增長15
- In terms of different industries,the sales of the wholesale and retail trades was up 6.0 percent,and the sales of the catering industry was up 15.7 percent. 分行業看,批發零售貿易業增長6.;0%25,餐飲業增長15
- The increasing sale of luxury goods is an index of the country's prosperity. 奢侈商品銷售量日增是該國繁榮的標誌。
- Sales of the product have been seriously hurt by the adverse publicity. 該產品受到了反面宣傳,銷量大受影響。
- She did well out of the sale of her house. 她出售房屋獲得很大收益。
- The royalty rate shall be calculated in proportion to the net sale of the product turn out with the transferred technology. 提成率應按照採用轉讓技術生產出來的產品純銷售額的一定比例來計算。
- The court approved the sale of the property. 法庭批准了財產的出售。
- Total or partial sales of the sector participants. 行業參與者可以全部或部分賣電。
- The letter related to the sale of the house. 這封信涉及房子的出售。
- He made a living out of the sale of fruit. 他靠賣水果活命。
- The sale of the company went through quickly. 公司的銷售額很快完成了。
- My agent arranged the sale of the house. 我的代理人對房子的出售作了安排。
- The two sides arranged the sale of the property. 雙方達成關於房地產交易的協議。
- The sale of the drug is permitted in this country. 該葯獲准在這個國家銷售。
- The sale of the store went through quickly. 很快就同意將這家商店出售了。
- Sales of the new product exceeded our estimates. 新產品的銷售超出了我們的預計。
- Rail Kuangcaixuan sales of the company products. 鐵礦採選,銷售本公司生產的產品。
- The sale of the house brought in about $45000. 賣了這幢房子賺了4萬5千美元。
- They negotiated the sale of the house. 他們進行房屋銷售談判。
- He wants to widen his knowledge of the industry. 他想擴充自己在這一行業的知識。