- Y. Y g n h a d p, a y e s b s w d. W d y t o t p? 好的。你的金項鏈帶一個鑽石墜,那麼你的耳墜也應鑲有鑽石。你看這對怎樣?
- I w v h, b I w t c. I m s s m. I s b m c n t. 蘇珊:我學習得很努力了,但就是太粗心,犯了一些愚蠢的錯誤。我下次得更細心一些。
- Th at h as alw ay s b een th e h isto ry o f progress in America. 有些人會說,我們做不到,太難了,我們根本不勝任。
- T h e m a n w h o l a u g h s b e s t l a u g h s l a s t . 熟能生巧,關了準星一開始我連馬都射不著,後來慢慢就有點準頭了。不過現在差不多一個月沒怎麼玩了,估計又該找不著北了。。。
- I just shared a piece of cake like that on my friend』s b』day on Mon. 我不得不承認自己是個很不擅長掩飾的人。如果我撒謊,那一定會寫在臉上。
- Do you keep Stock Books and Sales Books, and will these be posted promptly? 您是否立有庫存記錄帳冊及銷售記錄帳冊,您是否能夠迅速寄出這些帳冊?
- The MS is tried to hand over to cell D because it』s downlink signal level is higher that cell』s B. 移動基站嘗試移交至感測器D,因為它的下行線信號水平比感測器B要高。
- I don』t think____possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.A.it』s B. it 答案為B,為什麼不選A,請寫出分析過程.;謝謝!!
- Vinson S B, Law P K, 1971. Cuticular composition and DDT resistance in the tobacco budworm. J. Econ. Entomol., 64:1 387. [吳益東;沈晉良;譚福傑;尤子平;1995.;棉鈴蟲對氰戊菊酯抗性機理研究
- Dennis J E ,Li S B , Tapia R A.A unified approach to global convergence of trust region method for nonsmooth optimization\[J \] .Math Prog. 歐宜貴;侯定丕.;無約束非光滑優化的信賴域演算法\\[J\\]
- The pretty girl on the cover of the book is just a sales gimmick. 書封面上印上美女不過是吸引顧客的一種生意眼。
- The screen-printed Al-back surface field (Al-BSF) is widely used now to reduce the back surface recombination velocity ( S b) and improve the efficiency of silicon solar cells. 鋁背場能夠有效降低電池背表面複合速率,提高轉換效率,是商品化晶體硅太陽電池普遍採用的主要背表面鈍化結構。
- A book in which a merchant records credit sales. 顧客賒帳簿商人登記顧客購買的商品的本子
- Naceur S B,Ghazouani S.Stock markets,banks,and economic growth:Empirical evidence from the MENA region[J].Research in International Business and Finance,2007,21 (2):297-315. 戈德史密斯(1969)通過對36個國家一個世紀的情況所作的國際比較研究表明;經濟的強增長階段和金融的加速發展是協調一致的.
- Guo S B,Xiao X C.Determining rank of Volterra adaptive filter of chaotic time series [J].Journal of Electronics and Information Technology,2002,24(10):1334-1340. [13]郭雙冰;肖先賜.;混沌時間序列的Volterra自適應預測濾波器定階[J]
- But it should be noted that the list does not include marked "S B D unique" Wi n o c ks wrong, does not include those that are not formally included in the standard error. 但要注意的是,該列表沒有包括標記為 「B S D特有」的Wi n s o c k錯誤,也沒有包括那些尚未正式列入規範的錯誤。
- He asked them to keep him posted about the sales of his book. 他要求他們把他著作的銷售情況隨時告訴他。
- ZHANG S B,ZHAO L,BAO F C.Study on mixture of fiberglass with flax reinforced tripolid Populus composite material[J].China Forest Products Industry,2001,28(4):9-16. [9]張雙保;趙立;鮑甫成.;玻璃纖維和亞麻屑增強三倍體毛白楊木質(刨花)複合材料的研究[J]
- She picked up a valuable first edition at a village book sale. 她在鄉村圖書展銷會上買到一本珍貴的首版書。
- The decline of sales embarrassed the company. 銷路下降使公司陷於財政困難。