The controls and related responsibilities and authorities for ealing with nonconforming product shall be defined in a documented procedure. 不合格品控制以及不合格品處置的有關職責和許可權應在形成文件的程序中作出規定。
For the unacceptable or questionable products found in raw material and finished product warehouses, the store man shall make labels and isolate and record them. 在原材料和成品庫房發現不合格品或可疑產品時,應由庫房管理員進行標識,進行隔離放置,同時做好相應的記錄。
It would not make sense to subsidise a product for which there is no demand. 補貼沒有銷路的產品是沒有道理的。
The success of this car shows the importance of good design in helping to sell the product. 這種汽車的成功顯示精良的設計對打開銷路的重要性。