- History chronicles important events of the past. 歷史記載歷代重要的事件。
- The old man is a survival of the past age. 這老人乃上一個時代的遺老。
- Why try to dredge up the sad facts of the past? 過去的傷心事何必重提呢?
- Earth movements in the past elevated great area of the seabed. 地球過去的運動使海底大片地區隆起。
- We must learn from the sages of the past, and improve ourselves in practice. 我們要以先賢為榜樣,在實踐中不斷進步。
- The speaker roamed freely over the events of the past week. 那個人東拉西扯地談了一些上周的事。
- The anxieties of the past week had left her exhausted. 上星期把她愁得沒精打采。
- I am not inattentive to inanimate nature, nor unmindful of the past. 對無生命的自然我並非不關心,對過去我也並非不留意。
- The castle is redolent of the past. 那城堡使人懷古。
- We must profit by the lessons of the past. 我們要吸取過去的教訓。
- His conscience twitched at the memory of the past. 一想到過去,他的良心上就感到刺痛。
- The shell shock sponged out his memory of the past. 彈震症使他忘卻往事。
- This is a historical fact of the past 500 years. 這是近五百年來歷史所遺留下來的史實。
- We cannot afford to ignore the lessons of the past. 我們不能忽視過去的教訓。
- He mused over his memories of the past. 他緬懷往事。
- These reminders of the past are everywhere. 這些歷史遺物到處可見。
- The carefree childhood became a thing of the past. 無憂無慮的童年已經是過去時了。
- All memory of the past has faded. 往日的記憶已成雲煙。
- I can not bear to think of the past. 往事不堪回首。
- You should remember well the lessons of the past. 你要牢記過去的教訓。