Others held up placards alluding to a recent scare over Chinese-made gyoza dumplings, an incident that shook the Japanese public's wavering faith in Chinese safety standards. 其他人則高舉標語牌,影射近期因中國毒餃子事件而引發的恐慌,這一事件動搖了日本公眾對中國安全標準本已脆弱的信心。
Many of them generate significant revenues for small local governments, who have a vested interest in keeping them in business, regardless of their safety standards. 許多小廠為小地方的政府創造了可觀收入,這些小冶鍊廠無論能否達到安全標準,它們的繼續運營都符合地方政府的既得利益。