- In recent years, there is more and more complex phase of international security.The line between safety and danger becomes more and more slurred. 近年來,國際安全局勢呈現動蕩不安的狀況,國際安全領域的界線變得越來越模糊不清,出現了更為複雜的局面。
- Once, betray bandit lends weather of sanded dust storm assault jail, grandfather grandma and policemens, ignore individual safety and danger, bravely investment defends the action of the jail. 有一次,叛匪借沙塵暴天氣襲擊監獄,爺爺奶奶和幹警們,不顧個人安危,勇敢地投入保衛監獄的戰鬥。
- The expedition through the jungle was fraught with difficulties and danger. 穿越森林的探險充滿了艱辛和危險。
- He is not aware of the risk and danger in his trip. 他沒有意識到旅行中的風險。
- It adds up to scientific arrogance and danger. 那最後將導致科研中的狂妄自大和危險。
- Thanks for Indians to provide a modicum of challenge and danger. 感謝印第安人提供的適量挑戰及危險。
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration. 職業安全和健康署
- Safety and injuries It's bad for you. 這對你不好。
- Safety and prevention are the top priority. 安全第一,預防為主。
- Let's revise our safety and sanitary regulations. 我們開修訂安全規則和衛生規則吧。
- Assembled safety and low voltage 24V heater. 並採用24V低壓烙鐵芯安全供電。
- Power invariably means both responsibility and danger . 實力永遠意味著責任和危險。
- Thirst for speed and danger makes the game more captivating. 對速度和驚險的渴望使得該遊戲更具魅力。
- Let us revise our safety and sanitary regulations. 讓我們來修訂安全規則和衛生規則吧。
- Safety and biomarker end points were assessed. 評估安全性及生物標誌終點。
- Power invariably means both responsibility and danger. 權力永遠意味著責任和危險。
- Altair: Safety and peace upon you, friend. 阿爾泰:平安與你同在,朋友.
- Appraisal and Management of Construction Safety and Danger for Cooling Towers in Thermal Power Plant 火力發電廠冷卻塔施工安全危險評價與管理
- He saw the patrol ahead in a gloomy vista of fatigue and danger and misery. 他感到這一去前途黯淡,等待著他們的不外是奔波勞累,艱危磨難。
- They played for safety and refused to take on any new commitments. 他們不冒風險,拒絕承擔任何新的責任。