- Keeping clean is a safeguard against disease. 保持清潔是抵禦疾病的防護措施。
- We make copies of our computer disks as a safeguard against accidents. 我們複製了計算機磁碟以防意外。
- The new law constitutes a safeguard against the abuse of government power. 新法律可以防止濫用政府權力。
- We will introduce legal safeguard against fraud. 我們為制止詐騙活動要採取法律保護措施。
- In printing, a small overlap where two colours meet to safeguard against a gap which might otherwise occur due to a lack of register. 在彩色套印技術中,兩種顏色接合處的一小點兒重疊,為防止由於套准不好而可能出現的間隙。參閱register。
- Warm clothes help to safeguard against catching cold . 穿得暖和有助於預防感冒。
- We make copy of our computer disk as a safeguard against accident. 我們複製了計算機磁碟以防意外。
- Put a good lock on your door to safeguard against thieves. 鎖好門以提防竊賊。
- We will introduce legal safeguards against fraud. 我們要採取法律保護措施,制止詐騙活動。
- Otherwise there is absolutely no safeguard against it. 否則是完全沒有保障的。
- The leaflet explains how to safeguard against dangers in the home. 小冊子告訴人們在家裡如何防備各種危險。
- We make copy of our computer disk as a safeguard against accident . 我們複製了計算機磁碟以防意外。
- Sites for depositing deadly toxic soluble slag,tailings,etc. shall be made waterproof and protected against seepage and leaking. 存放可溶性劇毒廢渣的場所,必須採取防水、防滲漏、防流失的措施。
- The propose legislation will provide a safeguard against illegal trader. 建議立法將提供免遭非法商人損害的保護。
- There is no safeguard against inappropriate data types being added. 沒有保護措施來防止添加不適當的數據類型。
- Sites for depositing deadly toxic soluble slag, tailings, etc. Shall be made waterproof and protected against seepage and leaking. 存放可溶性劇毒廢渣的場所,必須採取防水、防滲漏、防流失的措施。
- This will safeguard against students acquiring bad habits. 這樣能夠避免學生們養成不良的習慣。
- The new laws constitute a safeguard against the abuse of government power. 新法律可以防止濫用政府權力。
- I make a copy of our computer disk as a safeguard against accidents. 我做了計算機備份以防意外。
- Are there safeguards against order splitting? 有否措施防止分拆定單?