- He is determined to stay in the saddle at all cost. 他打定主意要不惜一切代價繼續掌權。
- After many hours in the saddle he was very weary. 騎馬騎了幾個小時后,他非常疲倦。
- Better lose the saddle than the horse. [諺]寧可丟鞍,不可失馬。
- Fasten the saddle on the horse's back. 把鞍子系在馬背上。
- Tell him to catch the ponies and saddle up. 叫他牽住小馬並套上馬鞍。
- The saddle galled the horse's back. 馬鞍擦傷了馬背。
- One who breaks wild horses to the saddle. 馴馬師將野馬馴服套上鞍的人
- The boy saw a pony with a brand-new saddle over its back. 男孩看到背上有嶄新鞍子的小馬。
- He was determined to stay in the saddle at all costs. 他打定主意要不惜一切代價繼續掌權。
- The fault of the horse is put on the saddle. 馬劣動怪馬鞍壞。
- The jockey vaulted lightly into the saddle. 那騎師用手一按馬背輕身躍上了馬鞍.
- I had to saddle for him the first few times. 頭幾次我得替他套馬鞍。
- My brother as a manager was in the saddle again. 我兄弟又當上了經理。
- When riding a horse you sit on the saddle. 騎馬時要騎在鞍子上。
- She put the saddle on the horse's back. 她把馬鞍放在馬背上。
- The jockey vaulted into the saddle . 騎士一躍而跨坐鞍上。
- The raised rear part of a saddle. 鞍後橋馬鞍後部隆起的部分
- It is no surprise that she could saddle the horse. 以她能給這匹馬備上鞍子並沒有什麼值得驚訝的。
- I have been in the saddle all the last few days. 我最近一直過著鞍馬生涯。
- On top of the saddle is the table. 床鞍上有工作台。