- Runway Center Line 跑道中心線
- He drove straight by sighting along the center line. 他注視著中央線,駕車徑直向前駛去。
- Deck height at center line, moulded. 中心線甲板型高。
- Boundary is a precise line marking the outer limits of an area. 邊界是指標明一區域外緣的明確界線。
- Boundaryb is a precise line marking the outer limits of an area. 是指標明一區域外緣的明確界線。
- You're slightly off to the right of the center line. 你稍偏在中心線右面。
- A line marking the outer contours or boundaries of an object or a figure. 輪廓線標出物體或圖形外部輪廓或界線的線。
- Being in a position that is away from the center line of the hull of a ship. 舷外的位於偏離船體主線位置的
- Where a solid yellow line is painted on your side of the center line. 當你所行的車道一側中央是實黃線時。
- Under Line, select the options you want for the center line, and then click OK. 在「線條」下,選擇所需的中線選項,然後單擊「確定」。
- A center line to which parts of a structure or body may be referred. 中軸結構物或人體的某些部分可被參照的中心線。
- White on toes and slim white snip on center line of face permissible. 身軀:柔韌,胸深差不多達到肘部。肋骨支撐良好。適度上提。
- If using a rotary cleaning machine do not use too coarse a pad as this can cause premature wear of games line marking. 如果使用旋轉型清洗機勿使用太粗糙的墊子,因為太粗糙的墊子會很快磨損比賽標誌線。
- To order, specify length from center line of valve to base of floorstand. 訂購時,註明從閥門中心線至地軸承架底部的距離長度。
- Nutlets keeled abaxially along center line, with glochids usually only on keel. 沿著中線背面的給裝龍骨的小堅果,帶有鉤毛通常只在龍骨上。
- Auto-Vanishing Pen (pink, blue, violet) For dressmaking, handicraft, embroidery, artificial flowers, temporary line marking etc. 褪色筆 (粉紅色、藍色、紫色、白色、雙色) 使用方法: 1.;適用於布料、毛料、紙張、木材、塑料、金屬等材質表面臨時標記。
- Any maintenance or repairs to the parking areas around the clubhouse including line marking, pothole repairs, curb repairs. 會館周圍的停車區域修理,包括劃線、停車標誌的修理,鑲邊石的修補。
- The vertical line marking each dive, on reaching its greatest depth, began to zigzag in the sawtooth pattern characteristic of blue whales when lunge feeding on krill. 藍鯨潛水時總是先直線向下,在到達最深處時,就開始以鋸齒狀路線行進,這是它們突進捕食磷蝦時的行動特徵。
- A thick solid white line marks the edge of the bus lane. 白色粗表示巴士的界。
- A comment line marks the beginning of the parameter declarations. 一個註釋行標記了參數聲明的開始部分。