- rub lotion into one's skin 把護膚液擦進皮膚
- She rubbed the lotion into her skin. 她把潤膚液搽在皮膚上。
- How can so much be compressed into one day? 這麼多的東西怎麼能壓縮在一天之內看完呢?
- He wove three plots into one novel. 他把三個情節編織成一部小說。
- The two rooms open into one another. 這兩個房間有門相通。
- I had to fit ten appointments into one morning. 我要在一個上午里安排十個約會。
- Don't huddle all the boxes into one cupboard. 不要把所有的盒子都塞入一個櫥內。
- These clothes won't all pack into one suitcase. 這些衣物一個箱子裝不下。
- We define our perm wave lotion into 3 types, choose a suitable one for your customers. 我們把曲發液分為三種類別,總有一款適合您的尊貴客戶。
- The monkey' s skin has a rough feel. 猴子的皮膚有一種粗糙感。
- Into one small van the men crowded about twelve frightened sheep. 這些人又將十二頭受驚嚇的羊塞進小小的貨運車裡。
- Bring together into one fund money to be distributed under a will. 根據遺囑將所有分配遺產變成一種基金資金。
- Pour the lotion into your hand and smooth onto the skin and the warm and luminous scent of Neroli Jasmin will work its magic! Apply as often as required. 可經常使用。倒於掌心,再塗於全身,讓身體散發出橙花茉莉的溫暖脫俗氣息。
- In one episode, she battles her pimples with Clinique』s skin care cosmetics. 劇中的一個場景是蘇菲用倩碧護膚化妝品戰勝青春痘。
- The director received us and led the way into one of the buildings. 廠長接待了我們,帶我們走進一座大樓。
- Combined into one united body; merged. 合併的,結合的併入一個整體的; 合併的
- Flowing together; blended into one. 匯流的流在一起的; 混合為一的
- Successful marketing of similar cases such as P &G's skin Jia Shu. 類似的成功營銷案例如寶潔的舒膚佳。
- Hand lotion Reddy viscosity milk liquid. Contains several natural skin moisten and wool greases. Keep skin clean, refreshing, soft and smooth. Put the lotion into dispenser designed for liquid product. 粉紅色珠光乳狀液體。含有多種天然潤膚劑及羊毛脂類經常使用能使皮膚柔嫩、滑爽,清香怡人放入液體皂盒內使用。
- Rain beats a leopard\'s skin, but it does not wash out the spots. 雨水可以洗刷豹子的皮,但不能抹去它的斑點。