- They complained rough handling by the police. 他們抱怨受到警察粗野的對待。
- Can it be possible that the damage is caused by rough handling? 貨損有沒有可能是因粗暴裝卸而引起的呢?
- Glass is often broken by rough handling. 玻璃常因草率的處理而破裂。
- They complained of rough handling by the guards. 他們抱怨警衛對他們很粗暴。
- Ductile iron body able to withstand rough handling. 球墨鑄鐵閥體能夠經受惡劣的操作環境。
- The vase remained intact despit rough handling. 雖然被野蠻搬運,這隻花瓶仍然完好無損。
- The damage of the goods is due to rough handling in transit. 貨損是在運輸過程中粗暴裝卸所造成的。
- The damage of the goods was due to rough handling in transit. 貨損是在運輸過程中粗暴裝卸所造成的。
- The damage of the goods is due to rough handling in transit . 貨損是在運輸過程中粗暴裝卸所造成的。
- The shipping company should be liable for their rough handling. 船運公司應該對他們的野蠻裝卸負責。
- The delicate handicraft works will not bear rough handling. 精緻的手工藝品經不起粗魯的擺弄。
- They are seaworthy and can stand rough handling on the wharves? 適用於海運並能經受在碼頭上的粗暴裝卸。
- I want to complain in the strongest terms about the rough handling. 我要用最強烈的措詞來抗議這種粗糙的搬運方式。
- The packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handling. 包裝必須十分堅固,以承受粗魯的搬運。
- The speaker was roughly handled by the mob. 演說者受到暴民的粗暴對待。
- I agree, the packing must be strong enough to withstand rough handling. 我同意,同時包裝必須十分堅固,以承受粗率的搬運。
- This suitcase has had some rough handling,ie has been badly treated. 這個手提箱用得很不在意。
- This suitcase has had some rough handling, ie has been badly treated. 這個手提箱用得很不在意.
- The wooden boxes are strong enough to stand rough handling at the ports. 木箱很結實,足於承受得住港口的野蠻裝卸。
- The packaging must be seaworthy and strong enough to stand rough handling. 包裝必須適合海運,足夠牢固,經得住野蠻搬運。