- Pump rotating speed is controlled by throttle control system of diesel engine. 並通過柴油機油門控制系統操控泵的轉速。
- The rotating speed is adjusted to be93,110 and124 rpm by means of changing pulley which is very convenient and easy. 採用更換皮帶輪的方法來調整每分鐘93轉、10轉、24轉的轉速,更換方便。
- The improved M/T method with 80C552 and a photo electricity coder to measure electromotor's rotation speed can achieve a large scale of measuring precision. 用80C552和光電碼盤配合改進的M/T法檢測電動機轉速可獲得大範圍內測速精度;
- There are many auxiliaries with high rotating speed in a power plant such as pumps, fans, motors, etc. 在火力發電廠中,存在著大量的高速旋轉輔助設備如給水泵、風機、馬達等。
- The influence of short CFs contents, load and rotating speed on tribological behavior of composites was discussed. 結果表明:複合材料的耐磨性能明顯優於基體材料;
- The granule mass distribution will be more uniform when increasing rotating speed or mass flowrate. 提高轉速和增大質量流量,都會使顆粒的質量分佈均勻。
- The sporoderm-broken ratio reached 100% when rotating speed was 1600 r/min and grinding time was 60min. 當粉碎時間為60min, 主軸轉速為1600r/min時,破壁率達到100%25。
- This machine cannon has a high rotating speed reaching 500 revolutions a minute. 這架機關炮的轉速很高,每分鐘可達到500轉。
- Also, the system can be widely used in F-V convertor, rotating speed relay and electro-hydranlic governor. 特別適合於在頻率電壓變換器、轉速繼電器以及電氣液壓型調速器的測頻迴路中推廣應用。
- At the low rotating speed, the thermal influence can be neglected because of low eddy arrant. 分析結果表明,低轉速情況下的渦流熱效應並不明顯,可以忽略不計;
- Abstract: This article introduces the system with PLC and a photo-electricity coder to measure electromotor,can achieve a high reliability of rotation speed measuring precision and reduce the cost. 摘要: 介紹了用 PLC和光電碼盤配合使用的電機測速系統;可獲得高可靠性的精度要求而又降低系統成本。
- Cooling type, surface pressure, relative rotating speed and braking torque all are important factors in the selection of friction materials. 冷卻方式、表面壓力、相對轉速和制動扭矩是選擇摩擦材料時需要考慮的重要因素。
- The feed quantity can be adjusted by means of adjustment of vane rotating speed so that the boiler can run stably and safely. 通過調整葉輪轉速調節給粉量,從而調整鍋爐燃燒狀態,保證鍋爐穩定、安全運行,也可用於建材、冶金、化工等行業的給粉系統。
- From the composite mission spectrum and the related rotating speed spectrum, the accelerated mission test spectrum can be derived. 綜合任務譜和相應的轉速譜的獲得為推導加速任務試車譜奠定了基礎。
- The influence of bar rotating speed and plasma current on the powder yield was researched and optimal process parameters were obtained. 本文對採用等離子旋轉電極工藝 (PREP)生產該種類型粉末進行了研究 ,探討了棒料轉速、等離子電流強度等對粉末收得率的影響 ,獲得了最佳的生產工藝參數。
- Electronic speed controller to achieve optional rotation speed. 電子調速器任意調整轉速。
- Note: There are many choices becomes the rotational speed. 注:均質機轉速有多種選擇。
- The experimental data showed that the total pressure drop of the cross-flow RPB was influenced by rotating speed, gas flow rate and liquid flow rate. 實驗表明錯流旋轉填料床的氣相總壓降與氣體流量、旋轉床轉速、液體流量有關。
- The high pressure frequency converter was currently used to regulate rotating speed and cycle amount of wind in the scorched cycle air-blower system. 現將高壓變頻器應用於干熄焦循環風機系統中,以調整轉速及調節循環風量。