- He had the gall to sue for damages. 他居然有臉要求賠償。
- Of all the gall! ie What impudence! 臉皮真厚!
- She won a rosette in the riding competition. 她在騎馬比賽中贏得了一枚玫瑰花形獎章。
- Your words must be gall and wormwood to him. 你的話在他聽來一定逆耳。
- The medicine is as bitter as gall. 這葯像膽汁一樣苦。
- They had the gall to attend our party without invitations. 他們竟有臉皮未經邀請就來參加我們的派對。
- The leaves formed a dark green rosette. 這些葉子聚在一起,像是一朵深綠色的玫瑰。
- Gallstones usually form in the gall bladder. 膽石通常是在膽囊中形成的。
- He quoted a few lines of Rosette . 他引述羅塞蒂的幾行詩句。
- There is no gall or spite in my soul. 我內心對誰都沒有怨恨或惡意。
- He quoted a few lines of Rosette. 他引述羅塞蒂的幾行詩句。
- You have get the gall to ask me for help. 你還有臉求我幫忙。
- Basal leaves forming a rosette, petiolate. 基生葉形成一蓮座叢,具葉柄。
- When you taste honey, remember gall. 嘗著甜頭,別忘了苦頭。
- Plants dwarf, to 15 cm, near rosette. 植株矮小,對15厘米,接近蓮座叢。
- You have got the gall to ask me for help. 你還有臉求我幫忙。
- An ornament, such as a decorative knot, resembling a rose in form; a rosette. 玫瑰花飾一種形似玫瑰花的裝飾品,如裝飾結; 玫瑰花結
- They had the gall to call me fat ! 他們竟然無禮地叫我胖子!
- They haven' t the gall to steal. 他們沒有膽量去偷。
- I don't see how you have the gall to face me! 我真不明白,你居然有膽量來見我!