- The total area of our factory Fuzhou is about50 million square feet; it is divided into14 million square feet building area along with2,300 MT warehouse,2,000 MT square coldstore, and78 MT freezing room capacity. 福建西子灣水產企業有限公司,地處福州市江陰工業區(州新港旁)企業總佔地面積80畝,總建築面積9800平方米,擁有2500公頓的冷藏庫和各種先進的加工設備。
- I groped for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑暗的房間里摸索著找電燈開關。
- It is hard to sleep without a cooler in this room. 沒有空氣調節器,在這間屋裡很難入睡。
- He bounced into the room with a springy step. 他以輕快的跑步跳進房間。
- The lack of air in the room make everyone sniffle. 屋子裡空氣缺乏,使得每個人都頻頻吸氣。
- The furniture in the room was placed askew. 屋子裡的傢俱擺得歪歪斜斜。
- The girl went over the room quickly with a duster. 女孩用撣帚很快地把房間清理了一下。
- The dog kept nosing about the room this morning. 這狗今天在屋裡不斷地聞來聞去。
- She went out of the room in a huff. 她怒沖沖地走出了房間。
- Our room opened upon a view of the bay. 從我們房間可以看到海灣。
- He came into the room with a sword in his hand. 他手裡拿著劍走進了房間。
- I run back to my room and retrieve my bag. 我奔回房間取回自己的提包。
- I'd like a room on the upper level. 我想要樓上的房間。
- The room was so hot that she felt dizzy. 房間里如此之熱,以至於她覺得頭暈目眩。
- Your room opens off the top landing. 你的房門朝向頂層樓梯平台。
- It was a luxuriously appointed room. 這是一個陳設豪華的房間。
- He stumped angrily out of the room. 他氣憤地跺著腳走出了房間。
- The porter ushered us into the waiting room. 服務員把我們引進了候車室。
- The room was festooned with beautiful flowers. 那個房間以美麗的花朵結成的花彩裝飾著。
- I grope for the light switch in the dark room. 我在黑洞洞的屋裡摸索著尋找電燈開關。