- I don't want to run the risk of meeting John. 我可不想冒遇見約翰的危險。
- He saved my life at the risk of losing his own. 他冒著生命危險救了我。
- Could you cover the Risk of Breakage for us? 你們可以為我們加保破碎險嗎?
- He saved my life at the risk of his own. 他冒著自己的生命危險救了我的命。
- This is the basic meaning of non bis in idem. 一事不再理原則具有悠久的歷史和豐富的內容,世界上許多國家的憲法性文件或刑事訴訟法中都確立了該原則。
- At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I must refuse your offer. 我甘受拂逆盛情之嫌,也必須謝絕你的提議。
- To minimize the risk of burglary, install a good alarm system. 安裝可靠的報警設備以減低被盜的風險。
- Sometimes he went after these herbs at the risk of his life. 有時他得冒生命危險來找這些草藥。
- The risk of breakage is covered by marine insurance, isn't it? 破碎險是包括在海洋運輸貨物險之內的,對嗎?
- We had been forewarned of the risk of fire/that fire could break out. 已經事先警告過我們有發生火災的危險。
- If we smuggle this brandy we take the risk of being caught and fined. 如果我們偷偷地把這瓶白蘭地酒拿出去,我們將冒被抓住並罰款的危險。
- He rescued a child at the risk of his own life. 他冒著生命危險把那個孩子救出來了。
- He ran the risk of losing his own life in saving the boy from drowning. 他冒著生命危險把孩子從水裡救了出來。
- The high risk of infection puts a premium on the use of sterile needles. 由於受感染的風險很大,無菌注射針的使用受到了重視。
- I'd rather you do not run the risk of being punish. 我寧願你不冒受罰之險。
- We can cover the Risk of Breakage for you. 我們可以為你們加保破碎險。
- Standard Cultivation Technique of Non - polluted Gynura divaricala DC. 富貴菜無公害標準化栽培技術。
- Who will pay the premium for the risk of breakage? 加保破碎險的費用由誰負擔?
- Is the West Area Could relieving the Crisis of Non Ferrous Mineral Resources? 西部能解我國有色金屬礦產危機嗎?
- This site provides access to NIMA`s database of non U.S. geographic names. 通過該網站,可以使用美國國家圖像與地圖局的美國以外地名資料庫。