- This plan justs to be announced, the market controversy rise from all directions. 該方案甫一公布,市場便爭議四起。
- Then, lift debt to build balefire rise from all directions, the highway department that just enters market economy one.. 於是,舉債建設烽火四起,剛剛步入市場經濟的公路部門一...
- In case of the others rise from all directions, get together force medium also made same counterplea, the book of judicatory appraisal opinion that issued relevant orgnaization. 在其餘四起案件中,聚力傳媒也做出了同樣的抗辯,並出具了相關機構出具的司法鑒定意見書。
- An in an uproar, public oppugns industry acoustical rise from all directions, fan Min of CEO of net of the journey that carry Cheng does not sit eventually. 業界一片嘩然、公眾質疑聲四起,攜程旅行網CEO范敏終於坐不住了。
- Because the decoct in Chinese meal fries the composition of boil blast,basically be more, a hutch lampblack rise from all directions, need to keep apart so, firm ground is kept apart. 主要是因為中餐中煎炒烹炸的成分較多,一開廚便油煙四起,所以需要隔離,果斷地隔離。
- Internal conflicts rise from all around. 內訌四起。
- Cars were coming from all directions. 汽車從四面八方開來。
- People gathered from all directions. 人們從四面八方聚集刮一起。
- People came swarming into the square from all directions. 四面八方的人向廣場蜂擁而來。
- The paraders converged on Tian'anmen Square from all directions. 遊行隊伍從四面八方彙集到天安門廣場上。
- They saw the Red Guards closing in from all directions. 他們看見赤衛隊從四面八方圍了上來。
- Oh, they come from all directions, and by many different means. 嘿,他們從四面八方來,用種種不同的交通工具。
- I received inquiries about the matter from all directions. 我從四面八方接到有關這件事的諮詢。
- They waw the Red Guards closing in from all directions. 他們看見赤衛隊從四面八方圍了上來。
- Crowds of people poured into the square from all directions. 人們從四面八方湧進廣場。
- The saliva from all directions, they showed no mercy. 來自四面八方的口水,對他們會毫不留情。
- From all directions Winds bring petals of cherry Into the grebe lake. 從各個方向,風帶來鮮紅的花瓣,把它吹向湖面。
- You must always double-check the roads from all directions before crossing. 過馬路之前,你一定要加倍注意四周來往的車輛。
- They arrived from every quarter (all quarters)... from all directions. 他們來自四面八方。
- Born in the battle field, the Tudor court faced challenges from all directions. 戰場上誕生的都鐸王朝面臨著來自各個方面的挑戰。