- Flowers are blooming in a riot of color. 百花齊放,萬紫千紅。
- The garden was a riot of color in summer. 夏天花園裡五彩繽紛。
- Flowers of all sorts are blooming in a riot of color. 百花盛開,萬紫千紅。
- Flowers are bloomingin a riot of color. 百花盛開,萬紫千紅。玫瑰花正在盛開。
- The garden was a riot of colors in August. 八月的花園裡五彩繽紛
- These light a riot of color, these memories riotous brilliant. 那些燈光的五彩斑斕,那些記憶繽紛絢爛。」
- Kim's gerbera garden is a riot of color every spring. 每年春天,金花園裡的非洲菊就開得色彩繽紛,美不勝收。
- And what a riot of color there is with all kinds of flowers in blossom! 各種各樣的花競相開放,真是五彩繽紛。
- At certain times of the year, gardens display a riot of colors. 每年的那個時候,花園裡都會呈現出一派五彩繽紛的景象。
- In the early spring of the West Lake, willows turn green while peach and plum blossoms show a riot of color. 西湖初春柳綠花黃,桃李爭艷。
- Chemical fiber fabrics made from viscose,polyester and nylon filaments or staples have a great variety and a riot of color. 用粘膠,滌綸,錦綸長絲,短纖維製造的各類化纖面料色彩繽紛,品種繁多。
- So, postnuptial you, even if want to dress up as before,get a riot of color, glossy is full of, but you can turn round a this beside only forever. 所以,結婚後的你,哪怕想依舊打扮得萬紫千紅,油光滿面,可你永遠只能圍著身邊的這一位轉了。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 這種使用顏色的手法效果相當好。
- The students broke out in a riot of laughter. 學生們突然放聲大笑。
- The garden was a riot of color. 園中五顏六色,燦爛華美。
- Only pure people could enter the dreamland worlds of riot of color, powerful and unconstrained style like that, they are angels living in fond dream and imagination, the world here is always so novel, (and) interesting. 只有純潔的人們才能進入那樣五彩斑斕、天馬行空的夢境世界,他們就是生活在美夢與想象中的天使,這裡的世界總是那麼新奇、有趣。
- The absence of color in that drawing make it dull. 那幅畫因沒有著色而顯得晦暗。
- Without a strobe light to animate its riot of colors, this Fijian reef in 45 feet (14 meters) of water remains as a fish would see it. 沒有一個起濾波作用的閃光燈給生氣勃勃的雜亂的色彩,這是斐濟暗礁45英尺(14米)的水仍然有一條魚將看到它。
- My room was decked with a lot of color bulbs. 我的房間裝飾了很多彩燈。
- The flower-beds were a riot of colour. 花壇里色彩繽紛.