- The dictionary has been revised and enlarged to 1500 pages. 這部字典增訂到1500頁。
- Please revise and resend to us ASAP,thanks! 請儘快修改後重新發給我們,謝謝!
- Simply by making it easier to revise and rewrite. 只要使它更便於修改和重寫就可以了。
- Revise and learn some food names and fruit names. (複習、習一些食品和水果的名稱。
- Revise and rewrite. Improvement is always possible. 修改、重寫。提高永遠無止境。
- I am going to have it revised and publish. 我準備修改一下再出版。
- Revise and consolidate the languages learned in this unit. (複習鞏固本單元所學的辭彙和知識點。
- Commentaries Translation and Research on the Silk Scroll Book of Laozi a revised and enlarged edition written by Xu Kangsheng Hangzhou: Zhejiang People's Publishing House 1985. (台北:文津出版社1985)倫敦所藏敦煌老子寫本殘卷研究[海外中文圖書](程南洲著)
- Revise and update operating files for energy equipments. 能源設備作業文件的編製、維護。
- It was written by SunYingshi in Southern Song, later for many times revised and enlarged, completely finished during the Zhizheng Period of Yuan Dynasty. 這部地方志從南宋孫應時開始修纂,其後經過數次修訂增補,直至元代至正年間最終完成。
- He is able to deepen and enlarge our compassion and to purify our thanksgiving. 他能使我們的同情更深更廣,純化我們的感恩之情。
- Make, revise and maintain flow chart, FMEA and control plan. 編寫、修改和維護流程圖、FMEA和控制計劃。
- API Spec 6A has been revised and enlarged considerably in its fifteenth edition published in 1986. Strict technical regulation and rigid quality control in manufacturing are taken into consideration in the new edition. 美國石油學會1986年出版的API Spec 6A《井口及採油樹裝置規範》第15版,與第14版比較,作了較大的修改和增補,對產品的製造提出了嚴格的技術與質量控制要求。
- We should strengthen and enlarge the ranks of our scientific researchers. 我們也要把科研隊伍加強和擴大起來。
- The book has been revised and brought up to date. 那本書已經過修訂並且更新了內容。
- The book has revised and brought up to date. 這本書已經修訂並使其內容更新。
- Learn from masters,and enlarge my view.Implicative edge,powerful mid edge. 向前輩們學習,多看長眼力,劍峰感覺很含蓄,中鋒蘊涵力量。
- I am going to have it revised and published. 我準備修改一下再出版。
- She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. 她總是把你給予的加倍放大地回饋。
- You can copy and paste it onto MSFT ppt and enlarge the photo for easy reading. 這真是珍貴的史料。可惜字跡太過模糊了,不夠清晰,影響了閱讀。否則可以通過手工錄入,再現該文。