- Returned freight paid by Olympus. 返回運費由奧林匹斯。
- You can freight your belongings by air or sea. 你可把東西經空運或海運運去。
- This freight must be carefully handled. 這些貨物必須小心搬運。
- The aircraft company deals with freight only. 這家航空公司只經營貨運業務。
- I buy him a drink in return for his help. 我請他喝酒以酬謝他的幫助。
- We look forward to the return of spring. 我們期待著春天的到來。
- We can send it by air/sea freight. 我們可以空運[海運]。
- He avowed that he would never return. 他聲明他決不回來了。
- Every word the professor said was freight ed with meaning. 教授的每一句話都是意味深長的。
- He makes a return and go back to the hotel. 他掉轉車頭,駛回飯店。
- We counted the cars of the passing freight train. 我們點了駛過的貨車車廂節數。
- He might think it polite to return the visit. 他可能認為回訪比較合乎禮儀。
- The Customs have found heroin hidden in freight. 海關查出了隱藏在貨物中的海洛因。
- He swore by his honour he would return the bike. 他以自己的名譽發誓一定歸還自行車。
- The normal return fare to New York is fifty-six. 去紐約的來回票標準價是56元。
- He assist me with my income tax return. 他幫助我填寫所得稅申報單。
- He neglected to return his income tax form. 他忽略了所得稅表格的申報。
- Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. 你本是塵土就該歸於塵土。
- Return the air freight they paid. 退回全部已經付的空運費。
- He went off to the war never to return alive. 他去參加戰爭,沒能活著回來。