- I want to put in a claim for damages. 我想提出賠償損失的要求。
- He had the gall to sue for damages. 他居然有臉要求賠償。
- The judge awarded him $1000 as damages. 法官判給他損害賠償金一千元。
- The lawyers dissected his claim for damages. 律師們仔細分析了他提出的賠償要求。
- He put in a claim for $500 damages. 他提出一項五百美元賠償的要求。
- The court awarded (him) damages of 50000. 法庭判給(他)50000英鎊損害賠償費。
- The court adjudged legal damages to her. 法院將法定損害賠償金判給了她。
- A toxin that damages or destroys nerve tissue. 神經毒素損害或破壞神經組織的毒素
- In order to prevent damages, the item will be packed in wood wool. 為了防止損壞貨物,將用細包花之類的東西來包裝。
- Don't fold down the corners of the page, it damages the book. 不要把書角反折,這樣會把書弄壞的。
- They sought to recover damages, costs, expenses, etc from the firm. 他們設法向那家公司索取損害賠償金、 用費、 費用等。
- The court awarded 5000 (in) damages to the injured man. 法院判給傷者5000英鎊損害賠償費。
- The plaintiff was awarded damages. 原告被判給損失賠償費。
- restitutionary damage [經] 復原賠償
- A suit to recover damages for violation of such a contract. 契約訴訟對違背這種合同要求賠償損害
- Let』s compromise and each pay half the damages. 讓我們採取折中的辦法,每人各賠一半的損傷費用。
- What are the grounds for the claim for damages? 提出損害賠償金要求的根據是什麼?
- He lose his appeal for damages against the company. 他要求公司賠償損害的上訴未能成功。
- You may make a claim on the firm for the damages. 你可以向公司提出賠償損失的要求。
- The aim of damages is to compensate the plaintiff. 損害賠償的目的在於賠償原告的損失。