- He is a man always speaking with restraint. 他是個說話拘謹的人。
- I disavow all responsibility for you. 我不承認對你有任何責任。
- It annoys me to be a restraint on anyone's liberty. 限制別人的自由令我惱怒。
- There is still need for profit restraint. 現在仍有必要限制利潤。
- She tell me without restraint all about her marry life. 她毫不拘束地向我詳述她婚後的生活。
- Restraint in artistic expression. 束縛藝術表達的限制
- He's abdicated all responsibility in the affair. 他已經放棄了這件事中的一切職責。
- I despise his refusing to accept responsibility. 他拒不承擔責任,我鄙視他。
- In a free manner; without restraint. 自由地以自由的方式; 不受限制地
- I think freedom does imply responsibility. 我認為自由一定包含著責任。
- The employer disclaimed all responsibility for the fire accident. 老闆否認對那次火災事故負有任何責任。
- She talked to me without restraint. 她毫無拘束地跟我交談。
- They accepted responsibility for the accident. 他們承認了對這次事故所負的責任。
- She undertook responsibility for the changes. 她承擔了這些變革的責任。
- A place or condition of confinement or forcible restraint. 監禁室,拘留監禁或扣留某人的地方或狀況
- I haven't as much responsibility as before. 我不再擔負過去那樣多的責任了。
- I'll bear full responsibility for the consequences. 我將對後果承擔全部責任。
- Keeping house is my responsibility. 管家是我的事。
- Freedom does not necessarily imply responsibility. 自由不一定包含著責任。
- You showed great restraint in not crying. 你沒有哭表示出你有很強的自制力。