- The bank was held liable for response costs of more than $550,000. 銀行被裁定承擔反應費用多達55萬美元。
- Thereafter, the state filed a formal request for treatment of its response costs as administrative expenses. 此後,州政府填寫一個正式的請求表,請求把其他的反應費用當作行政支出費用。
- In resolving them, the court may allocate response costs "using such equitable factors as the court determines are appropriate". 在解決問題時,法院分配反應費用可以「像做出判決一樣那麼恰如其分」。
- Finally, the court held that defendants do not have a right to a jury trial where the government seeks response costs under section 107, since CERCLA affords essentially equitable relief in the form of restitution. 最後,法院認為,被告人在政府按照第107條尋求反應費用時無權要求陪審團參加審判,因為《綜合性環境反應、賠償與責任法案》實質上提供賠償的方式是衡平法上的救濟。
- It calls for the President to prepare a "non-binding preliminary allocation of responsibility" (NBAR), allocating percentages of the total response costs at a site among the PRPs, after completion of a "remedial investigation and feasibility study". 該要素要求總統在完成補償性調查和可行性研究之後,準備一個「非限制的預備責任分配」。 也就是在潛在責任方之間,分配廢物處置場地上全部反應費用的比例。
- I hurried in response to my friend's summons for help. 我應召急忙前去幫助我的朋友。
- Higher living costs have swallowed up our pay rise. 上漲的生活費用已經抵銷了我們增加的工資。
- This article combines the kangyadi"s bridge reconstructive project of highway between huangling and yan"an, and explores practice of responsibility cost management in management department. 本論文結合陝西黃延高速公路康崖底大橋改造工程項目,對項目經理部責任成本管理工作的實踐進行探索,主要論述了施工項目經理部的成本控制。
- On the premise of carrying out responsible cost, it is an effective method for a business to bring about cost control of hierarchal multilevel to restrain the rapid of product cost. 在企業實行責任成本制進而實現成本分級遞階控制是遏制產品成本飆升的有效方法。
- He made/gave no response to my inquiry. 他對我的詢問未予回答。
- His idea received an enthusiastic response. 他的想法獲得熱烈的響應。
- How much it costs is beside the point. 花多少錢的問題不必談了。
- Good fruit is scarce in winter and costs a lot. 好的水果冬天難得見到,而且價格昂貴。
- The overhead costs are ridiculously expensive. 日常開支太高了。
- His speech called forth an angry response. 他的話惹人生氣。
- She made no response to my letter. 她沒有回我的信。
- Production costs dropped5.5 per cent last year. 生產成本去年下降了5。5%。
- Effectively, their response was a refusal. 實際上,他們的答覆是拒絕。
- An hour's ski lesson costs$25.00. 滑雪課一小時收25美元。
- The amount by which actual costs exceed estimates. 超出費用實際費用超過預計費用量