- His reply was slow and cautious. 他的回答一字一頓,小心謹慎。
- Be patient in adversity and cautious in prosperity. 逆境中需要耐心,順境中需要人心。
- If we have urgent business and need to leave early, we have to excuse ourselves first;we can't just turn and leave without any explanation.This is also a sign of respect and cautiousness. 若我們有急事待辦時,也須先行告退,才側身離去,絕不可大搖大擺的走開,這都是一種敬謹的表現。
- Impersonal:Make words and behavior objective and cautious. 客觀:謹言慎行,保持言行舉止的客觀性。
- A great boss both gives respect and earns it. 好老闆不僅尊重他人,還能通過自己努力贏得他人愛戴。
- She Needs Respect and He Needs Appreciation. 她需要尊重,他需要感激。
- They deserve respect and care from the community. 他們理所當然要受到社會的尊重和愛護。
- His achievements earned him respect and admiration. 他的成就贏得人們的尊敬和仰慕。
- Respect and honour. Respect and honour. 尊重與榮耀!尊重與榮耀!
- His achievements earn him respect and admiration. 他取得的成就使他受到尊敬和欽佩。
- His conduct would be prudent and cautious; neither extreme nor ostentatious. 他的舉止總是小心、謹慎,既不偏激,也不拘謹。
- They respect and trust their students. 他們尊重、信任他們的學生。
- Brookhart was a large, well-fed, ponderous and cautious corporation lawyer. 布洛克哈特是一位個子高大,營養充足,持重謹慎的公司法律顧問。
- Do you want to the respect and appreciation ? 你想要贏得別人的尊敬和行賞嗎?
- They won my respect and adoration. 也讓我對他們十分的佩服。
- Emerge each respect work and love hillock, pursue scholarly work strict and cautious teacher representative from it. 從中湧現了一批敬業愛崗,治學嚴謹的老師代表。
- He pressed me profound in his respecting and loving to his mother. 他對他的母親的敬愛給了我深刻的印象。
- They trod lightly and cautiously down the stairs. 他們躡手躡腳小心謹慎地走下樓梯。
- We express our respect and warm welcome to Madam Zhuo Lin. 我們對卓琳女士表示熱烈的歡迎和敬意。