- If it does not meet the requirements for acceptance the court shall make an order within seven days to reject it. 認為不符合起訴條件的,應當在七日內裁定不予受理;
- He has filled all requirements for promotion. 他已具備晉陞的一切條件。
- We can only accept 80% of your requirements for five years. 我們只能接受你方五年需求的80%25。
- A plan suggested for acceptance; a proposal. 提議,建議建議接受的計劃;提議
- Standard Guide for Acceptance Testing Requirements for Geosynthetic Clay Liners 地面粘土襯認可檢驗要求指南
- What are the requirements for the throw itself? 對投擲本身的要求有哪些?
- Are there any requirements for graduate study? 對研究生學習有些什麼要求嗎?
- The Operation requirements for electric equipment. 內河運輸船舶電氣設備巡檢作業要求。
- Safety technical requirements for operations of oi. 油船作業安全技術要求。
- Safety technical requirements for tank cleaning op. 油船洗艙作業安全技術要求。
- Credit is available for acceptance of your drafts at 90 days sight drawn on us. 本信用證可憑你方向我方開立的90天期匯票承兌。
- What are the requirements for using Web Shipping? 問:使用DHL網上發件系統的要求是什麼?
- Positive. Dimensions of sample exceed limits of criteria for acceptance. 好的方面.驗收的樣品大小超出標準範圍。
- What are the system requirements for this service? 此服務的系統要求是什麼?
- The new merchant class was anxious for acceptance by the old nobility. 新興的商業階層渴望得到舊貴族的接納。
- Technical requirements for automobile engines bein. 汽車發動機大修竣工技術條件。
- Credit available for acceptance of your draft(s) at 90 days drawn on us. 信用證在你方開出匯票(給我方)之日起90天後兌現。
- Technical requirements for awkward cargo handling. 港口重大件裝卸作業技術要求。
- Technical requirements for reinforced concrete Pon. 鋼筋混凝土躉船技術條件。
- A condition or basis for accepting or presuming. 作為接受和推論的條件或根據