- We may seek to raise the required capital by other means. 我們也許尋求通過其它方法提高必需的資金。
- The premium resulting from issuance of shares at a price above par value shall be allocated to the company's capital reserve fund. 以超過票面金額發行股票所得溢價款列入公司資本公積金。
- The Board also proposes that no capital reserve shall be converted into share capital for 2006. 董事會還擬定,2006年度不進行資本公積金轉增股本。
- Budgets and controls the projects. Plans required capital expenditure for volume production. 控制方案的預算,計劃產品銷量所需要資本支出;
- The basic regime applies a standardized approach to the measurement of the required capital charge. 基本制度是運用標準計算方法來計算市場風險。
- Capital reserve includes premium on capital stock, legal incre-ment of property value through revaluation and value of donated assets accepted, etc. 資本公積包括股本溢價、法定財產重估增值、接受捐贈的資產價值等。
- Invested capital, capital reserve, surplus reserve and undis-tributed profit shall be shown by items in accounting statement. 投入資本,資本公積金、盈餘公積金和未分配利潤的各個項目,應當在會計報表中分列列示。
- Finally,with the low required capital and transaction costs,an investor can get in and out of the market easily and cheaply. 最後一點,由於所需資本及交易費用低,以股價指數期貨來進出股市是非常有彈性的。
- Scaling up would be more efficient, but requires capital equipment. 擴大規模可以提高效率,但這需要資本設備。
- Article 40 Capital reserve includes premium on capital stock, legal increment of property value through revaluation and value of donated assets accepted, etc. 第四十條資本公積金包括股本溢價、法定財產重估增值、接受損贈的資產價值等。
- Finally, with the low required capital and transaction costs, an investor can get in and out of the market easily and cheaply. 第四、由於所需資本及交易費用低,以股價指數期貨來進出股市是非常有彈性的。
- The asset losses uncovered in the reorganization of the enterprise shall be offset with the undistributed profits, surplus reserve, capital reserve and paid-in capital in turn. 企業重組中清查出的資產損失,經批准后依次沖減未分配利潤、盈餘公積、資本公積和實收資本。
- They still have to rebulid rebuild their capital reserves. 他們仍然要重建其資金儲備。
- Owners' equity refers to the interest of the investors remaining in the net assets of an enterprise, including capital of the enter- prise invested in by investors, capital reserve, surplus reserve, and undistributed profit retained in the enterprise etc. 所有者權益是企業投資人對企業凈資產的所有權,包括企業投資人對企業投入的資本以及形成的資本公積金、余公積金和未分配利潤等。
- The asset losses checked in the reorganization of the enterprise shall, upon approval, be offset with the undistributed profits, surplus reserve, capital reserve and paid-in capital in turn. 企業重組中清查出的資產損失,經批准后依次沖減未分配利潤、盈餘公積、資本公積和實收資本。
- Where an issuer under this Act files an application for permission to capitalize its legal reserve or capital reserve, it shall first make up its deficit. 已依本法發行有價證券之公司,申請以法定盈餘公積或資本公積撥充資本時,應先填補虧損;
- Facility A term used to describe financial assistance programs offered by lending institutions to help companies requiring capital. 信貸額度、資金設施放款機構為企業提供的財務支援,協助解決資金需要。
- The core capital consists of paid-up capital, capital reserves, surplus reserves and undivided profits. 核心資本包括實收資本、資本公積、盈餘公積、未分配利潤。
- All passengers are required to show their tickets. 所有乘客都必須出示車票。
- Restricted capital reserve of equity investments 股權投資準備