- Are Carnalism and Hedonism Yang Zhu's Idea? 「縱慾」「享樂」可能是楊朱的思想嗎?
- Obama』s idea is a prescription for more disasters. 奧巴馬的想法是引向更大災難的處方。
- Status flags represent one of the simplest forms of microcomputer logic. 狀態標誌是微計算機邏輯中的一種最簡單的形式之一。
- It uses another means of artistic expression of Berlioz's new ideas, a connecting theme, called an idee fixe or fixed idea to represent one person or thought which recurs throughout the whole symphony. 這部交響曲運用了柏遼茲新觀念的另一個藝術表現手法,即採用一個連貫的主旋律,稱為「固定樂思」,以代表一個人或一種思想,在整個交響曲中反覆出現。
- Einstein' s ideas on physics have held the field for years. 愛因斯坦的物理學理論多年來一直保持其權威性.
- Every three basic groups represent one kind of aminoacid the password. 每三個鹼基代表一種氨基酸的密碼。
- FREUD'S IDEAS ARE also reawakening in sleep and dream science. 佛洛伊德的想法也一樣重新出現在睡眠與夢的科學。
- A box which represents one unit in a flowchart. 一種表示流程圖中的一個單元的方框。
- The author points out that, to study Fangta Garden, to grasp the designer s idea and expression approach, one must carefully study Helou Xuan. 要研究方塔園,要正確地把握設計者的創作立意與表現手法,就必須仔細分析研究何陋軒。
- The process of selecting the bit groupings representing one or more characters from a continuous stream of bits. 從連續的二進位位流中選擇一組位來表示一個或多個字元的過程。
- Inscriptions on oracle bones represent one of the earliest form of writing in China. 甲骨文是中國現存最早的書寫形式之一。
- Classification techniques for vectors represent one of the best studied subjects in pattern recognition. 向量分類技術是模式識別中研究得最成功的課題之一。
- It was B.B.'s idea originally, of course,' he added as an afterthought. 當然啦,起初這是B.;B
- Spent chemicals from dyeing represent one of the significant sources of textile pollution. 染色所耗用的化學藥劑是紡織工業最大的污染源之一。
- It is worth asking whether Woodrow Wilson』s idea could be wisely applied now. 值得一問伍德羅威爾遜的想法可能是明智的適用於現在。
- A letter or combination of letters that can represent one phoneme, as f and gh can represent the phoneme / f / . 字素變體可代表一個音素的字母或字母組合,如f和gh可代表音素/f/
- Andre』s idea of joke was to put a young Iman and a young Naomi in my bed. 安德烈(電影中的利里比亞總統)和我開玩笑的方式,就是把兩個漂亮女人放到我床上。
- This maximum degree of enrichment for any one distillation step is said to represent one theoretical plate. 對於任意一個蒸餾步驟,就稱此最大濃度相當於一個理論板。
- Push-to-Talk over Cellular might represent one of the biggest opportunities since cellular telephony itself and SMS. 摘要:蜂窩網路上的即按即說技術有可能代表自手機和短消息問世以來最大的一次商機。
- It said that women represent one in seven US military personnel in Iraq, and that most are in the lowest-paid ranks. 報告中稱,女兵占駐伊美軍總數的七分之一,而且她們中的大多數人薪水都很低。