- Reporting success with the M &D. Evans, Jester &Carrie crossed Sissi bloodlines. 用馬克和迪克伊萬斯的鴿子獲得的成績彙報;加斯特和嘉利與絲絲雜交后的血統.
- We hereby report successful pregnancy outcome in a renal transplant recipient with a known history of BK virus nephropathy treated with cidofovir i.v. 我們因此報道腎移植受者先前有明確BK病毒性腎病經西多福韋治療后成功妊娠分娩。
- Herein, we report successful treatment of high-flow priapism secondary to a traumatic pseudoaneurysm fed from the bilateral cavernosal artery. 本文報告一位成功治療因外傷性偽動脈瘤(源自兩側海綿體動脈)所引起之高血流強直性勃起病例。
- Summary of Background Data.The current literature reports success rates of 18% to 90% for lumbosacral steroid injections, depending on methodology, outcome measures, patient selection, and technique. 背景概述:目前的文獻報導表明立足於方法學、療效測定、患者選擇於技術,腰骶椎甾體注射的成功率波動在18%25到90%25。
- I was frantic to finish the report on schedule. 我十萬火急地要按預定時間完成報告。
- He claimed that the newspaper report was a libel. 他聲稱報紙上的報導是一種誹謗。
- How can I worm out of giving that report? 我怎麼逃脫不做那個報告呢?
- He is reading a report of the state of the roads. 他正在看一篇關於道路狀況的報告。
- Market dull and slacken no business report. 市場蕭條胩衰退,沒有有關交易的報道。
- The report contained a plethora of detail. 報告中細節過多。
- I'll take the report home and read it at leisure. 我把報告帶回家去慢慢看。
- I shall have to report this to the authorities. 我得把這事向當局報告。
- Remember, this is still a BETA and could possibly brick your PSP! There are a lot of reported successions though! Use this downgrader at your own risk! 請記住,這個程序仍然是測試版,仍舊可能把你的PSP變成磚頭。但已經有很多成功的案例報告!所以,華麗的承擔變磚頭的風險吧!
- I shall have to report you for repeated lateness. 你老是遲到,我可要告你了。
- He will report back here as soon as he arrives. 他一到就會來這裡彙報的。
- Go and find out the truth to report back quickly. 立刻查明事實真相回來彙報。
- The question is discussed at large in my report. 我在報告中對該問題作了詳細的探討。
- The truth of the report is beyond all doubt. 該報道的真實性是無可置疑的。
- Please write me a summary of this report. 請替我寫一份這份報告的摘要。
- The report is on mammalian thermoregulation. 那份報告是有關哺乳動物的體溫調節。